

Swift Package Manager

Table of Contents


Shusky is a port of Husky to Swift which allow to execute git hooks with Swift. Can prevent git commit and git push.


  • Prevent, inter alia, git commit, git push
  • Configure commands as non-critical. It allow to keep going with git command execution.
  • Configure commands as non-verbose. (Maybe does not work for all comands).
  • Skip git hooks with SKIP_SHUSKY. For example:SKIP_SHUSKY=1 git commit -m .
  • Handle swift run command for you.


Add the following code to your Package.swift file.

.package(url: "https://github.com/didix21/Shusky", from: "1.0.0")


  • If you have your Package.swift file in the root, run:

    swift run -c release shusky install
  • If you have your Package.swift file to another path, run:

    swift build --package-path YourPath -c release --product shusky
    ./YourPath/.build/release/shusky install --package-path YourPath

This will add a new file .shusky.yml in your root with the following configuration:

    - echo "Shusky is ready, please configure .shusky.yml"
    - echo "Shusky is ready, please configure .shusky.yml"

NOTE: Shusky installation is safe, it will not remove any previous content in your git hooks file. it only will add the command for running shusky. More info in Advanced installation.

How to use

  • Only need to add your commands in .shusky.yml configuration file. For example:

        - set -o pipefail && swift test 2>&1 | xcpretty --color
        - swift run -c release swiftformat .
        - swift run -c release swiftlint lint .
        - git add -A
  • If you add a new hook you must run again shusky install. For example:

        - set -o pipefail && swift test 2>&1 | xcpretty --color
        - swift run -c release swiftformat .
        - swift run -c release swiftlint lint .
        - git add -A
        - swift test
  • Maybe you want to run SPM binaries, but you always have to remember to run swift run for compiling the binary. Don’t worry, using swift-run option, shusky will handle it for you.

        - swift-run:
            command: swiftformat .
  • You can add especial behaviour to commands using the key run. For example you can set non-verbose to commands. Then only wil display output result only if the command fails. For example:

        - swift run -c release swiftformat .
        - swift run -c release swiftlint lint .
        - run:
            command: set -o pipefail && swift test 2>&1 | xcpretty --color
            verbose: false
        - git add -A
  • Maybe while you’re developing you don’t want to cancel the git commit if one of the commands fail. So you can set propierty critical to false. In this example, if swiftlint fails will keep going with the commit:

        - swift run -c release swiftformat .
        - run:
            command: swift run -c release swiftlint lint .
            critical: false
        - git add -A

NOTE: More info in Advanced configurations



swift run -c release shusky uninstall
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