

A UIPresentationController and attendant clases for iOS to present a view controller pinned to an edge of the screen like an action sheet.

Version Documentation Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager License Platform


Swift Package Manager

To use SheetPresentation with the Swift Package Manager, add it as a dependency to your project from within Xcode or as a dependency in your Package.swift file.


To use SheetPresentation with CocoaPods, add a dependency to your Podfile:

target 'MyAwesomeApp' do
  pod 'SheetPresentation'

Then run pod install and use the generated .xcworkspace to open your project.


To use SheetPresentation with Carthage, add a dependency to your Cartfile:

github "Detroit-Labs/SheetPresentation"

Run carthage update to build the framework. Then follow the rest of the steps in Carthage’s README to add the framework to your project, configure a Run Script build phase, etc.

Using SheetPresentation

To use SheetPresentation, create a SheetPresentationManager and set it as the transitioningDelegate of the view controller you want to present, then set the modalPresentationStyle of the view controller to .custom.

let manager = SheetPresentationManager() // Save this reference somewhere
let viewControllerToPresent = …
viewControllerToPresent.transitioningDelegate = manager
viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = .custom

present(viewControllerToPresent, animated: true, completion: nil)

Presentation Options

To get the most out of SheetPresentation, you’ll need to set some options on your SheetPresentationManager instances:

Corner Options

The corner options specify whether and how the corners of presented views should have their corners rounded:

  • .roundAllCorners, which takes a CGFloat corner radius, rounds all corners with the given radius.
  • .roundSomeCorners, which takes a CGFloat corner radius and a CACornerMask to specify which corner(s) should be rounded.
  • .none leaves the presented view’s corners around.

The default value is .roundAllCorners with a radius of 10 points.

Dimming View Alpha

SheetPresentation can place a black dimming view behind the presented view. To control its opacity, you can specify a CGFloat value. If you specify nil, then a dimming view will not be placed behind the presented view and touches will be forwarded to the presenting view controller if they fall outside the presented view.

The default value is 50% opacity.

Edge Insets

The edge insets control the distance between the presenting view controller and the presented view. You can use either UIEdgeInsets or NSDirectionalEdgeInsets. This value is combined with the safe area, so if you use an inset that is less than the safe area, the safe area’s inset will be used.

The default value is 20 points on all sides.

Ignored Edges for Margins

You can specify an array of edges to ignore for margins (including the safe area) when performing layout. Edges can be either the DirectionalViewEdge or FixedViewEdge type, depending on if you want to use .leading and .trailing (recommended) or .left and .right.

The default value is an empty array to ignore no edges.

Presentation Layout

The presentation layout controls how SheetPresentation positions the presented view within the presentation container. Specify both horizontal and vertical layouts, which can either be .fill to fill the container or .automatic to automatically size the presented view. The automatic layouts must specify either vertical or horizontal alignment to control where the presented view is placed relative to the container.

The default value is a vertical layout of .automatic(.bottom) and a horizontal layout of .fill.


To correctly compute the height of the presented view controller when using automatic layouts, it must either satisfy Auto Layout constraints for a height using systemLayoutSizeFitting(_:withHorizontalFittingPriority:verticalFittingPriority:) or have a non-zero preferredContentSize.

Animation Behavior

When the presented view controller is presented or dismissed, these options control the way that this animation occurs. You can use .system to use the default UIKit animations, use .custom to provide your own animator objects that conform to the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol, or use .present to slide the view controller to or from the given view edge(s).

The default value is .system.
