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A Promises Library for Swift 5.

This is a simple library that provides basic Promise functionality.


  • Threadsafe
  • Lightweight
  • Cancellable


  • The promises themselves don’t manage all the threading functionality.
  • It is the responsibility of the owner who makes the Promise to decide the Queues in which to create and fulfill the Promise.
  • The receiver of the Promise can always change the Queue in which to receive the result of the Promise.
  • Promises can only be fulfilled once.


  • Swift Package Manager

Making Promises

Typically the Promiser creates a Promise in a determined Queue and returns it immediately to the Receiver:

func requestUser() -> Promise<User> {
    let promise = Promise<User>()
    networkingQueue.async {
        // make HTTP request to get the user
    return promise

Fulfilling Promises

Some time in the future the Promiser fulfills the promise on a determined Queue and the Receiver uses the result.

do {
    let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: data)
    promise.fulfill(with: result, in: responseQueue)
} catch {
    promise.complete(with: error, in: responseQueue)

How the Receiver uses the Promise

The Receiver of the Promise adds the necessary closures to it, there are four kinds of closures that can be added the the Promise: then onSuccess onError and finally:


More than one closure can be added to every Promise.

Chaining Promises

It is possible to chain promises using then, this method accepts a closure or function that will be called with the result of the previous promise once completed and will return a new promise:

 requestInt(from: "1")
    .onSuccess { result in

Closures and Queues

The Queue in which the then, onSuccess, onError or finally closures are called is determined by the following rules:

  1. If the closure is registered with a specific queue, then the closure will be called in that queue:
requestInt(from: "1").onSuccess(in: .main) { result in
    print("in main queue: \(result)")

If a queue is not specified:

requestInt(from: "1").onSuccess { result in


  1. If the Promiser specifies a closure when fulfilling the promise, then the closure will be called in that queue:
promise.fulfill(with: result, in: .global())

If a queue is not specified:

promise.fulfill(with: result)


  1. The closure is called in the current queue in which the fulfill method is called.

Cancelling Promises

A promise can be cancelled by the Receiver by calling it’s cancel method, in which case the onError closures will be called with the PromiseFailure.cancelled error:

let promise = requestUser().onError(logError)
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