A GSON inspired JSON decoding strategy in Swift using @propertyWrappers.
No need to write own init(from decoder: Decoder)
No need to write own CodingKeys subclass
Works with inheritance and composition out of the box
Custom Transformer classes
Alternative coding keys
Default values if JSON key is missing
struct Foo: Serializable {
var bar: String
var id: String?
@Serialized(alternateKey: "mobileNumber")
var phoneNumber: String?
@Serialized(default: 0)
var score: Int
Add this line to your Podfile:
pod 'SerializedSwift'
Swift Package manager
If you are using SPM for your dependency manager, add this to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:
class User: Serializable {
var name: String
var id: String?
@Serialized(alternateKey: "mobileNumber")
var phoneNumber: String?
@Serialized(default: 0)
var score: Int
required init() {}
Works with inheritance
No additional decoding logic needed
class PowerUser: User {
var powerName: String?
@Serialized(default: 0)
var credit: Int
Works with composition
No additional decoding logic needed
class ChatRoom: Serializable {
var admin: PowerUser?
@Serialized(default: [])
var users: [User]
Custom transformer classes
You can create own custom Transformable classes, for custom transformation logic.
class DateTransformer: Transformable {
static func transformFromJSON(from value: String?) -> Date? {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
return formatter.date(from: value ?? "")
static func transformToJson(from value: Date?) -> String? {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
return formatter.string(from: value ?? Date())
struct User: Serializable {
var birthDate: Date?
typealias-ed from SerializableEncodable & SerializableDecodable
Custom decoding and encoding using propertyWrappers (listed below)
Use this protocol for your classes and structures in the combination with the property wrappers below
Serialization propertyWrapper for all properties, optional and non-optionals!
Custom decoding Key
By default using the propertyName as a Decoding Key
Alternative Decoding Key support
Optional Default value (if the key is missing). By default, the Default value is nil. For non-optionals, default value is recommended, to avoid crashes
@Serialized("mainKey", alternativeKey: "backupKey", default: "")
var key: String?
Custom transforming property wrapper
Create own Transformable classes
Transforming Decodable objects to own types, like custom String Date format to native Date
class DateTransformer: Transformable {
static func transformFromJSON(from value: String?) -> Date? {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
return formatter.date(from: value ?? "")
static func transformToJson(from value: Date?) -> String? {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
return formatter.string(from: value ?? "")
// Usage of `SerializedTransformable`
struct User: Serializable {
var birthDate: Date?
This is only a tip of the iceberg of what can one achieve using Property Wrappers and how we can improve Decoding and Encoding JSON in Swift. Feel free to colaborate.
A GSON inspired JSON decoding strategy in Swift using @propertyWrappers.
init(from decoder: Decoder)
Add this line to your
:Swift Package manager
If you are using SPM for your dependency manager, add this to the dependencies in your
Works with inheritance
No additional decoding logic needed
Works with composition
No additional decoding logic needed
Custom transformer classes
You can create own custom Transformable classes, for custom transformation logic.
. For non-optionals, default value is recommended, to avoid crashesSerializedTransformable
This is only a tip of the iceberg of what can one achieve using Property Wrappers and how we can improve Decoding and Encoding JSON in Swift. Feel free to colaborate.