
🏷 SemanticVersion

SemanticVersion is a simple Codable, Comparable, Equatable, Hashable, and LosslessStringConvertible struct that can represent semantic versions.

Here’s what using SemanticVersion looks like in practise:

import SemanticVersion
import Foundation

// Query semantic version components
let v123 = SemanticVersion(1, 2, 3)
v123.isStable        // true
v123.isPreRelease    // false
v123.isMajorRelease  // false
v123.isMinorRelease  // false
v123.isPatchRelease  // true

// Parse semantic version from String
let v200 = SemanticVersion("2.0.0")!
v200.isStable        // true
v200.isPreRelease    // false
v200.isMajorRelease  // true
v200.isMinorRelease  // false
v200.isPatchRelease  // false

// Supports beta versions
let v300rc1 = SemanticVersion("3.0.0-rc1-test")!
v300rc1.isStable        // false
v300rc1.isPreRelease    // true
v300rc1.isMajorRelease  // false
v300rc1.isMinorRelease  // false
v300rc1.isPatchRelease  // false
v300rc1.major           // 3
v300rc1.minor           // 0
v300rc1.patch           // 0
v300rc1.preRelease      // "rc1-test"

// SemanticVersion is Comparable and Equatable
v123 < v200          // true
SemanticVersion("2.0.0")! < SemanticVersion("2.0.1")!  // true
// NB: beta versions come before their releases
SemanticVersion("2.0.0")! > SemanticVersion("2.0.0-b1")!  // true
v123 == SemanticVersion("1.2.3")  // true
    == SemanticVersion(1, 2, 3, "beta1", "build5")  // true

// SemanticVersion is Hashable
let dict = [         // [{major 3, minor 0, patch 0,...
    v123: 1,
    v200: 2,
    v300rc1: 3

// SemanticVersion is Codable
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(v123)  // 58 bytes
let decoded = try JSONDecoder().decode(SemanticVersion.self, from: data)  // 1.2.3
decoded == v123  // true
85.0 KB
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