Abstracted implementation of the transition and its unification
Screen constants
Cross-platform core
Fully strong-typed code
With ScreenUI you will forget about such methods, like func pushViewController(_:), func present(_:), about implementations are based on enums and reducers.
The best achievement of this framework is a combination of strictness (strong types, declarative style, transitions isolation) and flexibility (configurability of screens for each scenario, interchangeability of transitions, optional transitions).
Quick course
Just like in Storyboard, the framework works in terms of screens.
struct SomeScreen: ContentScreen {
typealias NestedScreen = Self
typealias Context = Void
typealias Content = SomeView
/// define constants (color, title, and so on)
/// define transitions
func makeContent(_ context: Context, router: Router<NestedScreen>) -> ContentResult<Self> {
/// initialize a content view
/// pass `context` and `router` to content (constants will be available through `router`)
/// return the result
Typical screen content implementation:
class SomeView {
let router: Router<SomeScreen>
let context: SomeScreen.Context
let title: String
init(router: Router<SomeScreen>, context: SomeScreen.Context) {
self.router = router
self.context = context
self.title = router[next: \.title]
func didLoad() {
let textLabel = TextLabel(title: context.text)
func closeScreen() {
router.back(completion: nil)
func moveNext() {
let nextScreenContext = ...
router.move(\.nextScreen, from: self, with: nextScreenContext, completion: nil)
All you need in the next step is to build a screen tree and show any screen from hierarchy:
Due to the specific interface of SwiftUI some things have small changes in API.
SwiftUI example
struct DetailView: View {
let router: Router<DetailScreen>
let context: String
var body: some View {
VStack {
/// optional transition
if let view = router.move(
context: "Subdetail text!!1",
action: Text("Next"),
completion: nil
) {
/// move back
Button("Back") { router.back() }
.navigationTitle(router[next: \.title])
Deep dive
Every screen must implement the protocol below:
public typealias ContentResult<S> = (contentWrapper: S.Content, screenContent: S.NestedScreen.Content) where S: Screen
public protocol Screen: PathProvider where PathFrom == NestedScreen.PathFrom {
/// Routing target
associatedtype NestedScreen: ContentScreen where NestedScreen.NestedScreen == NestedScreen
/// *UIViewController* subclass in UIKit, *NSViewController* subclass in AppKit, *View* in SwiftUI, or your custom screen representer
associatedtype Content
/// Required data that is passed to content
associatedtype Context = Void
func makeContent(_ context: Context, router: Router<NestedScreen>) -> ContentResult<Self>
Screens that are responsible for performing transitions must implement the protocol ContentScreen.
Screen containers (like Navigation) must implement the protocol ScreenContainer where ScreenContainer.NestedScreen is a transition target.
public struct Navigation<Root>: ScreenContainer where Root: Screen, Root.Content: UIViewController {
public typealias Context = Root.Context
public typealias Content = UINavigationController
public typealias NestedScreen = Root.NestedScreen
let _root: Root
public func makeContent(_ context: Root.Context, router: Router<Root.NestedScreen>) -> ContentResult<Self> {
let (content1, content0) = _root.makeContent(context, router: router)
let content2 = UINavigationController(rootViewController: content1)
return (content2, content0)
public typealias TransitionResult<From, To> = (state: TransitionState<From, To>, screenContent: To.NestedScreen.Content) where From: Screen, To: Screen
public protocol Transition: PathProvider where PathFrom == To.PathFrom {
associatedtype From: Screen
associatedtype To: Screen
associatedtype Context
func move(from screen: From.Content, state: ScreenState<From.NestedScreen>, with context: Context, completion: (() -> Void)?) -> TransitionResult<From, To>
Transitions between the content screens must implement ScreenTransition protocol. Every such transition should provide a back behavior by assign ScreenState.back property.
public struct Present<From, To>: ScreenTransition {
/// ...
public func move(from content: From.Content, state: ScreenState<From.NestedScreen>, with context: Too.Context, completion: (() -> Void)?) -> TransitionResult<From, To> {
let nextState = TransitionState<From, To>()
nextState.back = .some(Dismiss(animated: animated))
let (content1, content0) = to.makeContent(context, router: Router(from: to, state: nextState))
surface.present(content1, animated: animated, completion: completion)
return (nextState, (content1, content0))
To make your screens more flexible, you can define type-erased transitions:
AnyScreenTransition - supports transitions where Context is equal to context of the target content screen.
PreciseTransition - supports transitions where Context is equal to context of the target container screen.
So, when you will building screen tree, you can set up in one scenario one transition, another transition in the another scenario for the same screen.
And of course for such instances is necessary Swift’s result builder:
public struct ContentBuilder {}
Framework API has cross-platform namespaces:
public enum Win {} /// Window implementations
public enum Nav {} /// Navigation implementations
public enum Tab {} /// Tabs implementations
extension Nav {
public enum Push { /// Push implementations
public enum Pop {} /// Pop implementations
public enum Presentation { /// Present implementations
public enum Dismiss {} /// Dismiss implementations
For convenience, the framework provides protocols that enable typealiases to the nested types: UIKitNamespace, AppKitNamespace, SwiftUINamespace.
Apply one of them and you can write crossplatform code where:
Window - a screen container that wraps a initial screen of your app.
Navigation - a screen container that creates navigation stack.
Tabs - a content screen that organize multiple screens to tab view interface.
Push - a transition that pushes a new screen onto the navigation stack, with the corresponding Pop transition.
Present - a transition that presents a new screen, covering the current screen, with the corresponding Dismiss transition.
Supported screens:
✅ Window
✅ Navigation
✅ Tabs
Supported transitions:
✅ Push/Pop
✅ Present/Dismiss
Supported screens:
✅ Window
✅ Navigation
✅ Tabs
Supported transitions:
✅ Push/Pop
✅ Present/Dismiss
Supported screens:
✅ Window
✅ Tabs
Supported transitions:
✅ Present/Dismiss
Best Practices
Screen appearance
You can define a protocol that will describe a screen appearance. So, you will create a single source of truth.
protocol ScreenAppearance {
var title: String { get }
var tabImage: Image? { get }
extension ScreenAppearance {
var tabImage: Image? { nil }
extension ScreenAppearance where Self: ContentScreen {
func applyAppearance(_ content: Content) {
/// configure content
protocol ScreenContent {
associatedtype Route: Screen
var router: Router<Route> { get }
extension ScreenContent where Route.PathFrom: ScreenAppearance {
func prepareAppearance() {
router[next: \.self].applyAppearance(self)
Universal transitions
There is screens that should available everywhere. So, you can extend `ContentScreen` protocol.
struct Alert: ContentScreen {
/// alert screen implementation
extension ContentScreen {
var alert: Present<Self, Alert> { get }
/// now you can show alert from any screen
router.move(\.alert, from: self, with: "Hello world")
📲 ScreenUI
A multi-platform, multi-paradigm declarative routing framework for iOS/macOS and others, the replacement of Storyboard.
.Real world example
Table of contents
Main features
you will forget about such methods, likefunc pushViewController(_:)
,func present(_:)
, about implementations are based on enums and reducers.The best achievement of this framework is a combination of strictness (strong types, declarative style, transitions isolation) and flexibility (configurability of screens for each scenario, interchangeability of transitions, optional transitions).
Quick course
Just like in Storyboard, the framework works in terms of screens.
Typical screen content implementation:
All you need in the next step is to build a screen tree and show any screen from hierarchy:
SwiftUI example
Deep dive
Every screen must implement the protocol below:
Screens that are responsible for performing transitions must implement the protocol
.Screen containers (like Navigation) must implement the protocol
is a transition target.Transition
Any transition must implement the protocol below:
Transitions between the content screens must implement
protocol. Every such transition should provide a back behavior by assignScreenState.back
property.To make your screens more flexible, you can define type-erased transitions:
- supports transitions whereContext
is equal to context of the target content screen.PreciseTransition
- supports transitions whereContext
is equal to context of the target container screen.So, when you will building screen tree, you can set up in one scenario one transition, another transition in the another scenario for the same screen.
Screen path
provides a subscript interface to build the path to the screen using Swift Key-path expressions:You can omit the context value if you sure that screen is presented in hierarchy.
Content builders
Some screens can have dynamic content, for example
. Therefore the framework providesScreenBuilder
protocol:And of course for such instances is necessary Swift’s result builder:
Framework API has cross-platform namespaces:
For convenience, the framework provides protocols that enable typealiases to the nested types:
. Apply one of them and you can write crossplatform code where:Screens:
- a screen container that wraps a initial screen of your app.Navigation
- a screen container that creates navigation stack.Tabs
- a content screen that organize multiple screens to tab view interface.Transitions
- a transition that pushes a new screen onto the navigation stack, with the correspondingPop
- a transition that presents a new screen, covering the current screen, with the correspondingDismiss
Supported screens:
Supported transitions:
Supported screens:
Supported transitions:
Supported screens:
Supported transitions:
Best Practices
Screen appearance
You can define a protocol that will describe a screen appearance. So, you will create a single source of truth.Universal transitions
There is screens that should available everywhere. So, you can extend `ContentScreen` protocol.Installation
Denis Koryttsev, @k-o-d-e-n, koden.u8800@gmail.com
ScreenUI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.