Note: This tool requires Xcode 11 for compilation as it uses some Swift 5.1 language features.
SVMPrefs is a command line tool that generates the code to read and write preferences based on the SVM data.
The SVM name comes from the three main data elements: Store, Variable, and Migrate.
A typical way UserDefaults is often used is as follows.
let prefs = UserDefaults.standard
if !prefs.bool(forKey: "firstLaunch") {
prefs.set(true, forKey: "firstLaunch") {
This kind of on-the-spot use of UserDefaults has at least 11 issues:
The caller has to know the data source: UserDefaults.standard
The caller has to reference the key name, twice: "firstLaunch"
The caller has to know the type: prefs.bool and true
The caller has to know about any conversions: ! and true (did you catch the inverted logic?)
All this code, at the point of use, adds noise around the real purpose of the code – to call showFTUX() on first app launch.
This code is then repeated in other places for some preferences, thus violating the DRY principle
It is not easy to unit test with the above code.
There may be many other preferences throughout the code – most likely without documentation
Migrating preferences to a different UserDefaults location is not trivial
Removing deprecated preferences is easy to leave undone or forgotten
There is limited code completion help with this approach
A solution to the above is to define a dedicated class that encapsulates the details of each preference
so that the application logic can focus on using them in a simple and clear way.
With a dedicated class, using a preference can look like this:
let prefs = AppPrefs()
if prefs.isFirstLaunch {
prefs.isFirstLaunch = false
SVMPrefs takes this one step further by generating the code to read, write,
migrate and delete preferences based on your SVM specifications.
Install from local build
Note: This tool requires Xcode 11 for compilation as it uses some Swift 5.1 language features.
Run make install from the SVMPrefs root directory to build and install the svmprefs binary in /usr/local/bin.
You can open the project using Xcode 11 by opening the Package.swift file or using xed . from the command line.
Command line
The basic command line is as follows: svmprefs [command] [options] [args]
Shows help text
Shows version information
gen source_file_name
Processes the given file and generates the code in the SVM data
You can run svmprefs gen --help to get additional details on the gen command.
> svmprefs gen --help
Usage: svmprefs gen <input> [options]
Processes the given file and generates the code for the contained SVM data
-b, --backup Create a backup copy of the source file (foo.m -> foo.backup.m)
-d, --debug Print debug output
-h, --help Show help information
-i, --indent <value> Set indent width. (Default: 4)
Using in Xcode
You can integrate SVMPrefs in your Xcode project to have it generate the code prior to compiling as well as
highlight any errors in your SVM specifications via a run script.
Add a new “Run Script Phase” that occurs before compilation with something like the following.
set -e
if which svmprefs >/dev/null; then
# Update this section with the desired command line options and
# actual file paths to your code that have SVM data.
# NOTE: svmprefs supports just one file at a time.
svmprefs gen -i 4 $SRCROOT/Common/SharedUserDefaults.swift
echo "WARNING: svmprefs is not installed. See:"
SVM Data Format
You must add a comment block in your code that starts and ends with SVMPREFS like the following.
/*SVMPREFS [NB: the rest of this line reserved for svmprefs tool use]
# this line is treated as a comment by svmprefs
S demo
V Bool | isDemo | demo_key_name | |
# — Comment
Any line with a # as the first non-white-space character is treated as a comment within the SVMPREFS comment block
S — Store
The store record has three parameters that are | delimited
name - A name for this store that is used to define the store’s class instance variable and code mark identifier. The name can be anything except delete and migrate.
suite - An expression that, if specified, is used to construct a store object with a suite name (AKA app group in iOS). See UserDefaults. Use none to omit generating a store variable as you will supply one in your class. Leave this blank or write standard to use UserDefaults.standard.
options - A comma-delimited set of code generation flags. (See code below)
enum Options: String {
case generateRemoveAllMethod = "RALL"
You define one S record for each unique suite. Each S record is followed by any number of V records.
V — Variable
The variable record has five parameters that are | delimited
type - Any valid variable type expression including arrays, dates, optionals, and dictionaries.
name - The property name for this preference. If the variable is a boolean type, it will have an is prefix prepended if not already prepended.
key - The preference’s key name. Leading and trailing white-space characters are not supported.
options - An optional comma-delimited set of code generation flags (See code below)
default - An optional default value to be returned if the preference does not exist in the store or has a null value.
enum Options: String {
case generateInvertedLogic = "INV"
case decorateWithObjC = "OBJC"
// Defining a Bool named 'firstLaunch' with this option will
// generate code for it as 'isFirstLaunch' in some places.
case decorateNameWithIsPrefix = "IS"
case omitGeneratingGetterAndSetter = "NVAR"
case omitGeneratingSetter = "NSET"
case addToRemoveAllMethod = "RALL"
// Use this to omit when RALL is set at the store level:
case omitFromRemoveAllMethod = "NRALL"
case generateRemovePrefMethod = "REM"
case generateIsSetMethod = "ISSET"
M — Migrate
If you have one or more S records, you can use the M records to move the preferences from one store to another or delete them as your needs change.
The migrate record has four parameters that are | delimited:
source store - The source S record’s name
destination store - The destination S record’s name. Use delete if source variable is being deleted.
source variable name - The variable name in the source store.
destination variable name - The variable name in the destination store. Omit if being deleted.
The tool will insert all the migration code in a function called migrate() that you should call every time the app starts.
Migration is performed as an object to object read and write. Once, migrated, the key is deleted from the source store.
You must include a code mark named migrate somewhere in your class.
Any variable that is migrated or deleted will no longer be accessible from the source store as a property. However, the key for this property will
remain in the source store’s Keys enum.
Generated Code Marks
The generated code must be placed in a class in your source file. Add a pair of comments, as shown below, with the identifier being the store’s name
to indicate where the generated code is to be inserted.
// MARK: BEGIN identifier
// MARK: END identifier
If you have any migrations defined, you will also need to include a code mark for the migrateidentifier.
You can specify multiple identifiers in the same MARK by joining them together with a comma delimiter in the order you want them to appear.
The begin and end marks must have the same identifiers in identical order. No spaces around the commas or you will get errors.
// MARK: BEGIN foo,bar
// MARK: END foo,bar
Minimal Swift example:
S demo
V Bool | isDemo | demo_key_name | |
class MyDemoPreferences {
// MARK: BEGIN demo
// MARK: END demo
Questions & Tips
How can I inject the preference to be read or written?
There may be cases where you need to provide a reference to a preference in a function so that the code in there can then read or write to that
preference without having to know the actual property. If you use to use the key name as this reference, you can now use
a KeyPath or WriteableKeyPath for this purpose. Here is an example.
S keypath
V [String] | primaryList | app.primaryList | |
V [String] | secondaryList | app.secondaryList | |
class KeyPathPrefs {
// MARK: BEGIN keypath
// MARK: END keypath
// Somewhere in your app...
func demo() {
// A function that needs to use one of several preferences
func processList(keyPath: KeyPath<KeyPathPrefs, [String]>) {
let prefs = KeyPathPrefs()
let list = prefs[keyPath: keyPath]
// Do something with this list...
// How you call it:
processList(keyPath: \.primaryList)
processList(keyPath: \.secondaryList)
Copyright 2019-2020 The SVMPrefs Authors. SVMPrefs is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Contributions welcome.
Note: This tool requires Xcode 11 for compilation as it uses some Swift 5.1 language features.
is a command line tool that generates the code to read and write preferences based on theSVM
name comes from the three main data elements: Store, Variable, and Migrate.Why?
A typical way
is often used is as follows.This kind of on-the-spot use of
has at least 11 issues:UserDefaults.standard
(did you catch the inverted logic?)showFTUX()
on first app launch.UserDefaults
location is not trivialA solution to the above is to define a dedicated class that encapsulates the details of each preference so that the application logic can focus on using them in a simple and clear way. With a dedicated class, using a preference can look like this:
SVMPrefs takes this one step further by generating the code to read, write, migrate and delete preferences based on your SVM specifications.
Install from local build
Note: This tool requires Xcode 11 for compilation as it uses some Swift 5.1 language features.
make install
from the SVMPrefs root directory to build and install thesvmprefs
binary in/usr/local/bin
.You can open the project using Xcode 11 by opening the
file or usingxed .
from the command line.Command line
The basic command line is as follows:
svmprefs [command] [options] [args]
source_file_nameYou can run
svmprefs gen --help
to get additional details on thegen
command.Using in Xcode
You can integrate SVMPrefs in your Xcode project to have it generate the code prior to compiling as well as highlight any errors in your SVM specifications via a run script.
Add a new “Run Script Phase” that occurs before compilation with something like the following.
SVM Data Format
You must add a comment block in your code that starts and ends with
like the following.#
— CommentAny line with a
as the first non-white-space character is treated as a comment within theSVMPREFS
comment blockS
— StoreThe store record has three parameters that are
- A name for this store that is used to define the store’s class instance variable and code mark identifier. The name can be anything exceptdelete
- An expression that, if specified, is used to construct a store object with a suite name (AKA app group in iOS). SeeUserDefaults
. Usenone
to omit generating a store variable as you will supply one in your class. Leave this blank or writestandard
to useUserDefaults.standard
- A comma-delimited set of code generation flags. (See code below)You define one
record for each unique suite. EachS
record is followed by any number ofV
— VariableThe variable record has five parameters that are
- Any valid variable type expression including arrays, dates, optionals, and
- The property name for this preference. If the variable is a boolean type, it will have anis
prefix prepended if not already prepended.key
- The preference’s key name. Leading and trailing white-space characters are not supported.options
- An optional comma-delimited set of code generation flags (See code below)default
- An optional default value to be returned if the preference does not exist in the store or has a null value.M
— MigrateIf you have one or more
records, you can use theM
records to move the preferences from one store to another or delete them as your needs change.The migrate record has four parameters that are
delimited:source store
- The sourceS
destination store
- The destinationS
. Usedelete
if source variable is being deleted.source variable name
- The variablename
in the source store.destination variable name
- The variablename
in the destination store. Omit if being deleted.The tool will insert all the migration code in a function called
that you should call every time the app starts. Migration is performed as an object to object read and write. Once, migrated, the key is deleted from the source store. You must include a code mark namedmigrate
somewhere in your class.Any variable that is migrated or deleted will no longer be accessible from the source store as a property. However, the key for this property will remain in the source store’s
enum.Generated Code Marks
The generated code must be placed in a class in your source file. Add a pair of comments, as shown below, with the
being the store’sname
to indicate where the generated code is to be inserted.If you have any migrations defined, you will also need to include a code mark for the
.You can specify multiple
s in the same MARK by joining them together with a comma delimiter in the order you want them to appear. The begin and end marks must have the same identifiers in identical order. No spaces around the commas or you will get errors.Minimal Swift example:
Questions & Tips
How can I inject the preference to be read or written?
There may be cases where you need to provide a reference to a preference in a function so that the code in there can then read or write to that preference without having to know the actual property. If you use to use the key name as this reference, you can now use a
for this purpose. Here is an example.License
Copyright 2019-2020 The SVMPrefs Authors. SVMPrefs is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Contributions welcome.
See for license information.
See for The SVMPrefs Authors.
See for dependency license information.
Thank You!