The main difference for these two components, it’s How we play animation, and What dependency we use. In order to reduce the code size for unnecessary dependency, we separate these into 2 different repos.
This lottie framework dependent lottie-ios, which is maintained by Airbnb.
This plugin can only play animation by using their own LOTAnimationView.
Pros: It use vector rendering technology like Core Animation Layer, which means you can change your view dynamic size without lossing details or regenerate images.
Cons: Vector rendering is much slower than bitmap rendering. For small and massive lottie images, like emojis, small icons, this is not suitable.
This lottie framework dependent rlottie, which is maintained by Samsung.
This plugin can play animation on both SDAnimatedImageView and UIImageView/NSImageView.
Pros: It use bitmap rendering, each animation frame are rendered into the rasterized bitmap, not vector images. You can also preload all frames into memory, to get the best performance and 60FPS. This is also easy to integrate to UIKit/AppKit native framework.
Cons: Bitmap rendering does not support dynamic size changes. Once you want larger images, you need re-decoding the source lottie JSON, which is time-consuming and RAM consuming.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
iOS 9+
macOS 10.11+
tvOS 9.0+
watchOS 2.0+
Xcode 11+
SDWebImageLottieCoder is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SDWebImageLottieCoder'
SDWebImageLottieCoder is available through Carthage.
SDWebImageLottieCoder is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SDWebImageLottieCoder'
Add Coder
Before using SDWebImage to load Lottie json, you need to register the Lottie Coder to your coders manager. This step is recommended to be done after your App launch (like AppDelegate method).
// Lottie json loading on animated image view
let lottieURL: URL
let imageView: SDAnimatedImageView
let pixelSize = CGSize(width: 300, height: 300)
imageView.sd_setImage(with: lottieURL, placeholderImage: nil, options: [], contrext: [.thumbnailPixelSize : pixelSize])
You can decode lottie image into aniamted UIImage/NSImage as well. If the lottie images have referenced external image resource, you can specify it as well.
// Lottie image decoding
NSData *lottieJSONData;
NSBundle *imageBundle; // You can even download the external image from online to local path, then load the lottie animation
UIImage *image = [[SDImageLottieCoder sharedCoder] decodedImageWithData:lottieJSONData options:@{SDImageCoderDecodeLottieResourcePath : imageBundle.resourcePath}];
// Lottie image decoding
let lottieJSONData: Data
let imageBundle: Bundle // You can even download the external image from online to local path, then load the lottie animation
let image = SDImageWebPCoder.shared.decodedImage(with: lottieJSONData, options: [.lottieResourcePath : imageBundle.resourcePath])
What’s for
This is a coder plugin for Lottie Animation format.
We’ve already built one Lottie plugin, called SDWebImageLottiePlugin.
The main difference for these two components, it’s
How we play animation
, andWhat dependency we use
. In order to reduce the code size for unnecessary dependency, we separate these into 2 different repos.SDWebImageLottiePlugin
This lottie framework dependent lottie-ios, which is maintained by Airbnb.
This plugin can only play animation by using their own
.Pros: It use vector rendering technology like Core Animation Layer, which means you can change your view dynamic size without lossing details or regenerate images.
Cons: Vector rendering is much slower than bitmap rendering. For small and massive lottie images, like emojis, small icons, this is not suitable.
This lottie framework dependent rlottie, which is maintained by Samsung.
This plugin can play animation on both SDAnimatedImageView and
.Pros: It use bitmap rendering, each animation frame are rendered into the rasterized bitmap, not vector images. You can also preload all frames into memory, to get the best performance and 60FPS. This is also easy to integrate to UIKit/AppKit native framework.
Cons: Bitmap rendering does not support dynamic size changes. Once you want larger images, you need re-decoding the source lottie JSON, which is time-consuming and RAM consuming.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run
pod install
from the Example directory first.Requirements
SDWebImageLottieCoder is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
SDWebImageLottieCoder is available through Carthage.
Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11+)
SDWebImageLottieCoder is available through Swift Package Manager.
SDWebImageLottieCoder is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
Add Coder
Before using SDWebImage to load Lottie json, you need to register the Lottie Coder to your coders manager. This step is recommended to be done after your App launch (like AppDelegate method).
Animation and Size
You can decode lottie image into aniamted UIImage/NSImage as well. If the lottie images have referenced external image resource, you can specify it as well.
These Lottie animation stickers are from lottiefiles-telegram
SDWebImageLottieCoder is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.