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SDGKeyboardDesign provides tools for generating keyboard layouts.
עַתָּה בּוֹא כׇתְבָהּ עַל־לוּחַ אִתָּם וְעַל־סֵפֶר חֻקָּהּ וּתְהִי לְיוֹם אַחֲרוֹן לָעַד עַד־עוֹלָם׃
Now go, write it for them on a tablet and record it in a book so it will survive until the last day, forever and into eternity.
- Generates native keyboard layout bundles for macOS.
- Supports localized metadata.
- Provides a sophisticated symbol key (
, Symbol.key
), which enables entry of symbols by spelling out their names.
Example Usage
SDGKeyboardDesign is a Swift library and can be used in many ways, but even if you are unfamiliar with Swift, you should still be able to create a keyboard for yourself by modifying the following example.
- Make sure you have Swift installed.
- Download the source code of this repository. (Click “Clone or download”, then “Download ZIP”.)
- Find the file with example below under “Tests/SDGKeyboardDocumentationExampleTests/ReadMeExampleTests.swift” and edit it however you desire.
- Don’t forget to give the bundle a real name. (If you leave it as “Example Keyboards” it won’t work.)
- Open a terminal and navigate to the repository root.
- Type
and a space.
- Drag the main downloaded directory into the terminal.
- Press enter. The prompt should now include the directory name.
- Paste the following command into the terminal. When it finishes, there should be a keyboard bundle in the Downloads directory.
swift test --filter ./testReadMeExample
- Move the keyboard bundle into “System/Library/Keyboard Layouts”. (Create the directory if it does not exist yet.)
- Open System Preferences, go to “Keyboard”, then “Input Methods” and click the plus sign. Your custom keyboard should be somewhere in the list.
enum ExampleLocalization: String, InputLocalization {
// This is the list of localizations to provide metadata for.
case englishCanada = "en\u{2D}CA"
case françaisCanada = "fr\u{2D}CA"
// This localization will be used when none match the user’s preferences.
static let fallbackLocalization = ExampleLocalization.englishCanada
let exampleLayout = KeyboardLayout<ExampleLocalization>(
name: UserFacing<StrictString, ExampleLocalization>({ localization in
switch localization {
// These are the names of the keyboard layout in each localization.
case .englishCanada:
return "Example Keyboard"
case .françaisCanada:
return "Clavier exemple"
// This URL points to a local “.icns” file to use as the icon.
icon: URL(fileURLWithPath: #filePath) // Starts at this file.
.deletingLastPathComponent() // Backs out to the directory.
.deletingLastPathComponent() // Backs out another directory.
.appendingPathComponent("Test Specifications") // Enters a directory.
.appendingPathComponent("MockIcon.icns"), // Specifies the file.
layers: [
// These are the character arrangements.
// (Keys can be safely omitted, and the order doesn’t matter.)
.noModifiers: [
.leftOutsideTopISO: "१",
.leftLittleTop: "1",
.leftRingTop: "2",
.leftMiddleTop: "3",
.leftIndexTop: "4",
.leftInsideTop: "5",
.rightInsideTop: "٥",
.rightIndexTop: "٤",
.rightMiddleTop: "٣",
.rightRingTop: "٢",
.rightLittleTop: "١",
.rightOutsideTop: "一",
.rightDoubleOutsideTop: "二",
.leftLittleUpper: "α",
.leftRingUpper: "β",
.leftMiddleUpper: "γ",
.leftIndexUpper: "δ",
.leftInsideUpper: "ε",
.rightInsideUpper: "ה",
.rightIndexUpper: "ד",
.rightMiddleUpper: "ג",
.rightRingUpper: "ב",
.rightLittleUpper: "א",
.rightOutsideUpper: "あ",
.rightDoubleOutsideUpper: "い",
.leftLittleHome: "a",
.leftRingHome: "b",
.leftMiddleHome: "c",
.leftIndexHome: "d",
.leftInsideHome: "e",
.rightInsideHome: "乙",
.rightIndexHome: "丿",
.rightMiddleHome: "丶",
.rightRingHome: "丨",
.rightLittleHome: "一",
.rightOutsideHome: "ᄀ",
.rightDoubleOutsideHomeISO_JIS_RightTripleOutsideUpperANSI: "ᄁ",
.leftOutsideLowerISO_LeftOutsideTopANSI_JIS: "क",
.leftLittleLower: "а",
.leftRingLower: "б",
.leftMiddleLower: "в",
.leftIndexLower: "г",
.leftInsideLower: "д",
.rightInsideLower: "ر",
.rightIndexLower: "د",
.rightMiddleLower: "ج",
.rightRingLower: "ب",
.rightLittleLower: "ا",
.shift: [
// In many cases, uppercase characters will be inferred automatically.
// But where it is ambiguous, or there is none, the shift layer can done manually.
// Explicit entries will override automated values.
.leftIndexHome: "I",
.rightIndexHome: "İ",
.option: [
// These are the characters produced when option (⌥) is pressed.
// Characters can be specified either directly...
.leftIndexUpper: ".", // ← A full stop.
// ...or with their Unicode hexadecimal identifier:
.leftInsideUpper: "\u{002E}", // ← Also a full stop.
// Unicode combining characters are better than dead keys...
// (These are pressed after the character they modify.)
.leftLittleHome: "\u{300}", // ◌́ (acute)
.leftRingHome: "\u{301}", // ◌̀ (grave)
.leftMiddleHome: "\u{302}", // ◌̂ (circumflex)
.leftIndexHome: "\u{303}", // ◌̃ (tilde)
.leftInsideHome: "\u{304}", // ◌̄ (macron)
// ...but dead keys are also possible when Unicode provides no combining character.
// (These are pressed before the character they modify.)
// Several common dead keys are provided.
.rightInsideHome: DeadKey.stroke,
.rightIndexHome: DeadKey.hook,
.rightMiddleHome: DeadKey.descender,
.rightRingHome: "Inversion", // Custom. See below.
// The symbol key allows inserting symbols by spelling their names.
.rightDoubleOutsideHomeISO_JIS_RightTripleOutsideUpperANSI: Symbol.key,
// More layers are available:
.shiftOption: [
.leftIndexHome: "⇧⌥"
.capsLock: [
.leftIndexHome: "⇪"
.capsLockShift: [
.leftIndexHome: "⇪⇧"
.capsLockOption: [
.leftIndexHome: "⇪⌥"
.capsLockShiftOption: [
.leftIndexHome: "⇪⇧⌥"
// Beware that rearranging the command layers affects hotkeys!
// (If omitted, they will be automatically filled in according to ANSII.)
.command: [
.leftIndexHome: "⌘"
.shiftCommand: [
.leftIndexHome: "⇧⌘"
deadKeyLabels: DeadKey.defaultLabels.mergedByOverwriting(from: [
// This specifies a label for the custom dead key above.
"Inversion": "⟲"
deadKeyMappings: DeadKey.defaultMappings.mergedByOverwriting(from: [
// This specifies the mapping for the custom dead key above.
"Inversion": [
"a": "ɐ",
"c": "ɔ",
"e": "ə",
symbols: Symbol.defaultDictionary.mergedByOverwriting(from: [
// This adds symbols to the default symbol key list (or overrides them).
// To use the symbol key, press it once, then start typing the name of the symbol.
// You won’t usually have to type the whole name.
// It will be replaced with the symbol as soon as it is unambiguous.
"euros": "€",
"dollars": "quot;,
"roubles": "₽",
"pounds": "£",
// This must be a unique identifier for the layout.
uniqueIdentifier: 1_234_567,
// This is the encoding that will be used in non‐Unicode applications.
script: .latinWestern,
// Optional. This requests that the operating system associate the layout with a particular language.
targetedLanguage: .englishCanada
let exampleBundle = KeyboardLayoutBundle(
name: UserFacing<StrictString, ExampleLocalization>({ localization in
switch localization {
// These are the names of the bundle in each localization.
case .englishCanada:
return "Example Keyboards"
case .françaisCanada:
return "Claviers exemples"
// A bundle can contain multiple layouts.
// (But this only includes the layout above.)
layouts: [exampleLayout],
copyright: UserFacing<StrictString, ExampleLocalization>({ localization in
switch localization {
// These are the copyright notices in each localization.
case .englishCanada:
return "©0000 John Doe"
case .françaisCanada:
return "©0000 Jean Dupont"
// This is a unique identifier for the bundle.
// (Apple recommends using reversed domain name notation.)
bundleIdentifier: "tld.domain.example"
// This specifies the directory where the exported bundle should be saved.
let exportURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory())
// This exports the layout bundle.
try exampleBundle.generate(in: exportURL)
Some platforms lack certain features. The compilation conditions which appear throughout the documentation are defined as follows:
.define("PLATFORM_LACKS_FOUNDATION_FILE_MANAGER", .when(platforms: [.wasi])),
.when(platforms: [.wasi])
SDGKeyboardDesign provides a library for use with the Swift Package Manager.
Simply add SDGKeyboardDesign as a dependency in Package.swift
let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
dependencies: [
name: "SDGKeyboardDesign",
url: "",
from: Version(2, 1, 3)
targets: [
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "SDGKeyboardDesign", package: "SDGKeyboardDesign"),
The module can then be imported in source files:
import SDGKeyboardDesign
The SDGKeyboardDesign project is maintained by Jeremy David Giesbrecht.
If SDGKeyboardDesign saves you money, consider giving some of it as a donation.
If SDGKeyboardDesign saves you time, consider devoting some of it to contributing back to the project.
Ἄξιος γὰρ ὁ ἐργάτης τοῦ μισθοῦ αὐτοῦ ἐστι.
For the worker is worthy of his wages.
macOS • Windows • Web • Ubuntu • tvOS • iOS • Android • Amazon Linux • watchOS
SDGKeyboardDesign provides tools for generating keyboard layouts.
), which enables entry of symbols by spelling out their names.Example Usage
SDGKeyboardDesign is a Swift library and can be used in many ways, but even if you are unfamiliar with Swift, you should still be able to create a keyboard for yourself by modifying the following example.
and a space.Some platforms lack certain features. The compilation conditions which appear throughout the documentation are defined as follows:
SDGKeyboardDesign provides a library for use with the Swift Package Manager.
Simply add SDGKeyboardDesign as a dependency in
:The module can then be imported in source files:
The SDGKeyboardDesign project is maintained by Jeremy David Giesbrecht.
If SDGKeyboardDesign saves you money, consider giving some of it as a donation.
If SDGKeyboardDesign saves you time, consider devoting some of it to contributing back to the project.