// Get started
SCLAlertView *alert = [[SCLAlertView alloc] init];
[alert showSuccess:self title:@"Hello World" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive text." closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f];
// Alternative alert types
[alert showError:self title:@"Hello Error" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive error text." closeButtonTitle:@"OK" duration:0.0f]; // Error
[alert showNotice:self title:@"Hello Notice" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive notice text." closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f]; // Notice
[alert showWarning:self title:@"Hello Warning" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive warning text." closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f]; // Warning
[alert showInfo:self title:@"Hello Info" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive info text." closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f]; // Info
[alert showEdit:self title:@"Hello Edit" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive info text with a edit textbox" closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f]; // Edit
[alert showCustom:self image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"git"] color:color title:@"Custom" subTitle:@"Add a custom icon and color for your own type of alert!" closeButtonTitle:@"OK" duration:0.0f]; // Custom
[alert showWaiting:self title:@"Waiting..." subTitle:@"Blah de blah de blah, blah. Blah de blah de" closeButtonTitle:nil duration:5.0f];
[alert showQuestion:self title:@"Question?" subTitle:kSubtitle closeButtonTitle:@"Dismiss" duration:0.0f];
// Using custom alert width
SCLAlertView *alert = [[SCLAlertView alloc] initWithWindowWidth:300.0f];
SCLAlertview in a new window. (No UIViewController)
SCLAlertView *alert = [[SCLAlertView alloc] initWithNewWindow];
[alert showSuccess:@"Hello World" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive text." closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f];
// Alternative alert types
[alert showError:@"Hello Error" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive error text." closeButtonTitle:@"OK" duration:0.0f]; // Error
[alert showNotice:@"Hello Notice" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive notice text." closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f]; // Notice
[alert showWarning:@"Hello Warning" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive warning text." closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f]; // Warning
[alert showInfo:@"Hello Info" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive info text." closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f]; // Info
[alert showEdit:@"Hello Edit" subTitle:@"This is a more descriptive info text with a edit textbox" closeButtonTitle:@"Done" duration:0.0f]; // Edit
[alert showCustom:[UIImage imageNamed:@"git"] color:color title:@"Custom" subTitle:@"Add a custom icon and color for your own type of alert!" closeButtonTitle:@"OK" duration:0.0f]; // Custom
[alert showWaiting:@"Waiting..." subTitle:@"Blah de blah de blah, blah. Blah de blah de" closeButtonTitle:nil duration:5.0f];
[alert showQuestion:@"Question?" subTitle:kSubtitle closeButtonTitle:@"Dismiss" duration:0.0f];
// Using custom alert width
SCLAlertView *alert = [[SCLAlertView alloc] initWithNewWindowWidth:300.0f];
//The index of the button to add the timer display to.
[alert addTimerToButtonIndex:0 reverse:NO];
SCLAlertView *alert = [[SCLAlertView alloc] init];
[alert addTimerToButtonIndex:0 reverse:YES];
[alert showInfo:self title:@"Countdown Timer" subTitle:@"This alert has a duration set, and a countdown timer on the Dismiss button to show how long is left." closeButtonTitle:@"Dismiss" duration:10.0f];
//Dismiss on tap outside (Default is NO)
alert.shouldDismissOnTapOutside = YES;
//Hide animation type (Default is SCLAlertViewHideAnimationFadeOut)
alert.hideAnimationType = SCLAlertViewHideAnimationSlideOutToBottom;
//Show animation type (Default is SCLAlertViewShowAnimationSlideInFromTop)
alert.showAnimationType = SCLAlertViewShowAnimationSlideInFromLeft;
//Set background type (Default is SCLAlertViewBackgroundShadow)
alert.backgroundType = SCLAlertViewBackgroundBlur;
//Overwrite SCLAlertView (Buttons, top circle and borders) colors
alert.customViewColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
//Set custom tint color for icon image.
alert.iconTintColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
//Override top circle tint color with background color
alert.tintTopCircle = NO;
//Set custom corner radius for SCLAlertView
alert.cornerRadius = 13.0f;
//Overwrite SCLAlertView background color
alert.backgroundViewColor = [UIColor cyanColor];
//Returns if the alert is visible or not.
//Make the top circle icon larger
alert.useLargerIcon = YES;
//Using sound
alert.soundURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/right_answer.mp3", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]]];
//Receiving information that SCLAlertView is dismissed
[alert alertIsDismissed:^{
NSLog(@"SCLAlertView dismissed!");
I tried to build an easy to use API, while beeing flexible enough for multiple variations, but I’m sure there are ways of improving and adding more features, so feel free to collaborate with ideas, issues and/or pull requests.
Animated Alert View written in Swift but ported to Objective-C, which can be used as a
replacement.Fluent style
Easy to use
SCLAlertview in a new window. (No UIViewController)
Add buttons
Add button timer
Add Text Attributes
Add a text field
Indeterminate progress
Add a switch button
Add custom view
SCLAlertView properties
Alert View Styles
Alert View hide animation styles
Alert View show animation styles
Alert View background styles
SCLAlertView-Objective-C is available through :
To install add the following line to your Podfile:
I tried to build an easy to use API, while beeing flexible enough for multiple variations, but I’m sure there are ways of improving and adding more features, so feel free to collaborate with ideas, issues and/or pull requests.
Incoming improvements
Plugin integrations
Thanks to the original team