Augmented reality objects that use the USDZ file format (iOS and iPadOS only)
ZIP files
Can be used with UIKit or SwiftUI
Can be used to preview one or multiple files at once.
Can be used with local file URLs or external URLs (it also handels downloading the files).
📦 Installation
Add this Swift package in Xcode using its Github repository url. (File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency…)
🚀 How to use
Initialize the View (SwiftUI) or ViewController (UIKit)
/// Initializes the `SBQuickLookView` or `SBQuickViewController` with the given file items and configuration.
/// - Parameters:
/// - fileItems: The `[SBQLFileItem]` data for populating the preview. Could be one or many items.
/// - configuration: Optional `SBQLConfiguration` configurations.
/// - completion: Optional `Result<SBQLError?, SBQLError>` completion.
/// - success: `QLPreviewController` successfully presented with at least one item. Optional `SBQLError` if some items failed to download.
/// - failure: `QLPreviewController` could not be presented.
public init(
fileItems: [SBQLFileItem],
configuration: SBQLConfiguration? = nil,
completion: ((Result<SBQLError?, SBQLError>) -> Void)? = nil) {
self.fileItems = fileItems
self.configuration = configuration
self.completion = completion
You have to pass the file items SBFileItem to the initializer. Either pass one item or multiple items to the View (SwiftUI) or ViewController (UIKit).
/// Initializes the file item with the given values.
/// - Parameters:
/// - url: `URL` of the item, choose between local file URLs or external URLs
/// - title: Optional title `String` to be displayed in the QuickLook controller.
/// - content: Optional media type `String` of the file; e.g. `"pdf"`, `"jpeg"`, ...
/// - urlRequest: Optional `URLRequest` used to download the item. The `url` is always set to `fileItem.url`. Default: `URLRequest(url: fileItem.url)`
public init(url: URL, title: String? = nil, mediaType: String? = nil, urlRequest: URLRequest? = nil) {
self.url = url
self.title = title
self.mediaType = mediaType
self.urlRequest = urlRequest
You can also pass an optional SBQLConfiguration to the initializer.
/// Initializes the file item with the given values.
/// - Parameters:
/// - urlRequest: Optional `URLSession`. Overrides the `URLSession` used by the download task. Default: `URLSession.shared`
/// - localFileDir: Optional local directory `URL`. Overrides the local directory `URL` used by the download task. Default: `FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)`
public init(session: URLSession? = nil, localFileDir: URL? = nil) {
self.session = session
self.localFileDir = localFileDir
Present the SBQuickLookView (which is a UIViewControllerRepresentable wrapper for the SBQuickViewController) from your favorite View.
@State var isShown = false
let fileItems: [SBFileItem]
let configuration: SBQLConfiguration
init() {
let localFileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "sample-local-pdf", withExtension: "pdf")!
fileItems = [
SBFileItem(url: localFileURL, title: "LOCAL FILE"),
SBFileItem(url: URL(string: "")!, title: "Nice PNG Image", mediaType: "png")
let localFileDir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
configuration = SBQLConfiguration(localFileDir: localFileDir)
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button {
} label: {
Text("Open QuickLook of files")
.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $isShown, content: {
SBQuickLookView(fileItems: fileItems, configuration: configuration) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let downloadError):
if let downloadError {
case .failure(let error):
switch error.type {
case .emptyFileItems:
case .qlPreviewControllerError:
case .download(let errorFileItems):
print("all items failed downloading")
Present the SBQuickViewController from your favorite ViewController.
Quickly preview local & external files and their content using Apple’s QuickLook Framework.
This package provides a wrapper around Apple’s QuickLook Framework.
📦 Installation
Add this Swift package in Xcode using its Github repository url. (File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency…)
🚀 How to use
Initialize the View (SwiftUI) or ViewController (UIKit)
You have to pass the file items
to the initializer. Either pass one item or multiple items to the View (SwiftUI) or ViewController (UIKit).You can also pass an optional
to the initializer.SwiftUI
Present the
(which is aUIViewControllerRepresentable
wrapper for theSBQuickViewController
) from your favorite View.UIKit
Present the
from your favorite ViewController.🎓 Example
Example SwiftUI Project can be found here.