extension Reactive where Base: UIViewController {
var viewDidLoad: ControlEvent<Void>
var viewWillAppear: ControlEvent<Bool>
var viewDidAppear: ControlEvent<Bool>
var viewWillDisappear: ControlEvent<Bool>
var viewDidDisappear: ControlEvent<Bool>
var viewWillLayoutSubviews: ControlEvent<Void>
var viewDidLayoutSubviews: ControlEvent<Void>
var willMoveToParentViewController: ControlEvent<UIViewController?>
var didMoveToParentViewController: ControlEvent<UIViewController?>
var didReceiveMemoryWarning: ControlEvent<Void>
public extension Reactive where Base: NSViewController {
var viewDidLoad: ControlEvent<Void>
var viewWillAppear: ControlEvent<Void>
var viewDidAppear: ControlEvent<Void>
var viewWillDisappear: ControlEvent<Void>
var viewDidDisappear: ControlEvent<Void>
var viewWillLayout: ControlEvent<Void>
var viewDidLayout: ControlEvent<Void>
RxSwift wrapper for UIViewController and NSViewController.
At a Glance
In the view controller:
Using CocoaPods:
Using Carthage:
Any discussions and pull requests are welcomed 💖
To create a Xcode project:
RxViewController is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.