docs(readme): update
Reactive extensions of StoreKit
Create observable sequence of responses for SKProductRequest and subscribe it
SKProduct.rx.request(with: ["xxxxx"]) .subscribe(onNext: { response in let products = response.products }) .dispose()
let request = SKProductsRequest.init(productIdentifiers: ["product_id"]) request.rx.response.subscribe { event in switch event { case .next(let response): let products = response.products default: return } } .dispose()
SKPaymentQueue.default().rx.updatedTransaction .subscribe(onNext: { transaction in // Do what you want }) .dispose()
paymentQueue.rx.productIdentifiersWithRevokedEntitlements .subscribe { productIdentifier in // Do what you want }
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Reactive extensions of StoreKit
How to use
Request SKProduct
Create observable sequence of responses for SKProductRequest and subscribe it
Subscribe update payment transactons
Subscribe product identifiers with revoked entitlements