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What does it do?

It simplifies your RESTful API calls, automatically convert the HttpResponse into specified Model as well as the Error using the new apple ’s Codable feature.

For example in a request for fetching specific user information and you have a User model, all you have to do is make the User model conforms to Codable and specify it when using the RequestCaller.


User model that conforms to Codable.

struct User: Codable {
  var name:String
  var email:String

This will automatically convert the response into an instance User model.


let caller = RequestCaller(config: URLSessionConfiguration.default)

func fetchUser(byUserId userId) -> Observable<Result<User, ErrorModel>> {
    let request:URLRequest = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .get,
      path: "v1/users/\(userId)")
    return caller.call(request)

Let say it’s an array of users; since Array conforms to Codable, all you have to do is specify the type to be [User].


func fetchUsers() -> Observable<Result<[User], ErrorModel>> {
    let request:URLRequest = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .get,
      path: "v1/users")
    return caller.call(request)

About handling ResponseError:

RxRetroSwift provided a typealias ErrorCodable which is a combination of HasErrorInfo and Decodable protocol:

public typealias DecodableError = Decodable & HasErrorInfo

For example, the json error response of your login request is

  "message": "Unable to login."
  "details": {
    "password": "You changed your password 2 months ago."

And you have this as Model:

struct ErrorModel {

  var errorCode:Int?
  var message:String
  var details:[String:String]

How about dealing to a request that don’t expect to return an object or model?

RxRetroSwift provide a method that will return Observable<Result<RawResponse>, DecodableErrorModel>>.

public func call<DecodableErrorModel:DecodableError>(_ request: URLRequest)
  -> Observable<Result<RawResponse, DecodableErrorModel>>

public struct RawResponse {
  public var statusCode:Int
  public var data:Data?
  init(statusCode:Int, data:Data?) {
    self.statusCode = statusCode
    self.data       = data


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



  • Easy to use and simple, Just few lines of codes (excluding RxSwift).
  • Clean and Neat implementation.
  • Flexible error handling.
  • Simplify your rest API client.


  • Unit and integration test (done)
  • Add Example (done)
  • Support different authentication method for your URLRequest.



RxRetroSwift is now available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'RxRetroSwift'

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "https://github.com/michaelhenry/RxRetroSwift", from: "2.1"),

Sample implementation

Using JSONPlaceholder API. You can also check the Sample Project

class APIClient {
  static var shared = APIClient()
  var caller = RequestCaller.shared
  private init() {
    RequestModel.defaults.baseUrl = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com"
  func fetchPosts() -> Observable<Result<[Post], ErrorModel>> {
    let request = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .get,
      path: "posts")
    return caller.call(request)
  func insertPost(post:Post) -> Observable<Result<Post, ErrorModel>> {
    let request = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .post,
      path: "posts",
      payload: post.dictionaryValue)
    return caller.call(request)

  func fetchComments() -> Observable<Result<[Comment], ErrorModel>> {
    let request = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .get,
      path: "comments")
    return caller.call(request)
  func fetchAlbums() -> Observable<Result<[Album], ErrorModel>> {
    let request = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .get,
      path: "albums")
    return caller.call(request)
  func fetchPhotos() -> Observable<Result<[Photo], ErrorModel>> {
    let request = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .get,
      path: "photos")
    return caller.call(request)
  func fetchTodos() -> Observable<Result<[Todo], ErrorModel>> {
    let request = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .get,
      path: "todos")
    return caller.call(request)
  func fetchUsers() -> Observable<Result<[User],ErrorModel>> {
    let request = RequestModel(
      httpMethod: .get,
      path: "users")

    return caller.call(request)


class TestAPIClient:QuickSpec {
  override func spec() {
    describe("Using JSONPlaceholder API") {
      let apiClient = APIClient.shared
      it("Check Posts result count"){
        let observable = apiClient.fetchPosts()
        expect(observable.map { $0.value!.count }).first == 100
      it("Can insert post"){
        var post = Post()
        let title = "This is my post"
        let userId = 101
        let body = "This is a message body"
        post.title = title
        post.userId = userId
        post.body = body
        let observable = apiClient.insertPost(post: post)
        expect(observable.map { $0.value?.title ?? "" }).first == title
        expect(observable.map { $0.value?.userId ?? 0 }).first == userId
        expect(observable.map { $0.value?.body ?? "" }).first == body
      it("Check Comments result count"){
        let observable = apiClient.fetchComments()
        expect(observable.map { $0.value!.count }).first == 500
      it("Check Albums result count"){
        let observable = apiClient.fetchAlbums()
        expect(observable.map { $0.value!.count }).first == 100
      it("Check Photos result count"){
        let observable = apiClient.fetchPhotos()
        expect(observable.map { $0.value!.count }).first == 5000
      it("Check Todos result count"){
        let observable = apiClient.fetchTodos()
        expect(observable.map { $0.value!.count }).first == 200
      it("Check Users result count"){
        let observable = apiClient.fetchUsers()
        expect(observable.map { $0.value!.count }).first == 10


Just feel free to submit pull request or suggest anything that would be useful.


Michael Henry Pantaleon, me@iamkel.net


RxRetroSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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