

Why do we need some optimizations while working on huge projects with CocoaPods?
- Slow and unnecessary indexing of pods targets, which implementation we rarely try to edit;
- Redundant rebuild time, probably as a result of problems, related to CocoaPods or Xcode build system;
- Freezing UI during navigating through a project or editing it;
- Broken or extremely slow autocompletion;
- Noisy laptop turbines, heated aluminum, and infinite spinning pinwheel.

More in the 📖 foundation and remastering stories.


🏈 Rugby is CLI tool that was developed to solve the above problems:
+ Cache all pods dependencies and remove their targets from the Pods project;
+ Rebuild only changed pods or even download them;
+ Delete any unneeded targets with sources from a project and reduce its size.

What makes it different?

🕊 Not a project dependency, just an optional step;
🌱 Doesn’t change Podfile and Podfile.lock;
✈️ Can run a sequence of commands from a YAML file;
🕹️ Single command usage;
🐳 Ready for remote cache;
🧣 Cozy log output;
🚀 Swiftish and uses native Xcode build system.

Ruby alternatives: PodBuilder | CocoaPods Binary Cache | CocoaPods Binary

How to install 📦

This version of Rugby hasn’t opened source yet. I’m going to open it this summer.
There are still a lot of preparation steps to do.

But you can download a binary, read the guide 🦮 how to install it.
If you look for the legacy Rugby 1.x, which source is opened, visit this page.

How to use 🏈


  1. Before using Rugby you should be sure that your project source code is finalized.
    🔸 For example: if you use SwiftGen, run it before calling Rugby.
    Otherwise, your source code will be modified during building with Rugby. Then the hashes of binaries will not be suited;
  2. Be sure that all your pods (including development) are ready to build standalone.
    Otherwise, you can get a state when one of them can’t be reused correctly without the source of its dependencies.
    As a temporary workaround, you can exclude some pods like rugby -e BadPod.
    🔸 For example: if some of your pods use incorrect headers.

Then run this command in your project directory after each pod install. It will build all targets by default:

> rugby

Deintegrate it with the rollback command:

> rugby rollback

Also, you can write a custom plan (sequence of commands).
Use 🏈 RugbyPlanner application for visualizing changes in your project without applying them.
For advanced usage, please read the documentation below.

📚 Documentation

📦 How to Install
📖 Commands Help
🚏 Migration Guide
🐳 Remote Cache

🎯 Roadmap

  • Refactoring
  • Tests
  • GitHub Actions
  • Open Source

🤝 Contribution

Feel free to open a pull request / an issue or a discussion.

📮 Support

If you want to support this project, you can do some of these:
1) Press ⭐️. It’s a nice mark which means that Rugby is useful;
2) Share the project 🌍 somewhere with somebody;
3) Leave feedback in the discussions 💬 section.

Let’s Roll-oll 🏈

37.8 MB