Update README.md
Now incorporated within the unstandard library.
A collection of handy result builders.
Foundation not required for most builder types. Requires Swift 5.4+
Returns true if all elements are nil. Elements are not required to be homogenous.
struct Element { var title: String? var description: String? var child: Self? @AllNil var isEmpty: Bool { title description child } }
Total of true boolean values
struct FooBar { var foo: Int? var bar: Bool? @Count var nonOptionalCount: Int { foo != nil bar != nil } }
Avoid some punctuation while building Set properties.
struct FooBar { var foo: Int var bar: Int @SetResult var fooAndBar: Set<Int> { foo bar } }
Returns a single element. Useful to avoid typing a few return keywords.
extension Bool { @SingleResult var enEspañol: String { switch self { case true: "Sí" case false: "No"" } } }
Convienence formatter for specifying UUID properties. (Requires Foundation)
protocol UUIDIdentifiable: Identifiable where ID == UUID { @UUIDResult var id: UUID { get } } struct Element: UUIDIdentifiable { var id: UUID { (194, 210, 39, 207, 170, 13, 68, 151, 190, 189, 41, 237, 240, 95, 174, 248) } }
Convienence formatter to specify URLs by strings for urls you know to be valid. URL strings are unsafely unwrapped. (Requires Foundation)
protocol Website { @URLResult var url: URL } struct Wikipedia: Website { var url: URL { "https://wikipedia.org" } }
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[Public Archive]
Now incorporated within the unstandard library.
A collection of handy result builders.
Foundation not required for most builder types. Requires Swift 5.4+
if all elements are nil. Elements are not required to be homogenous.Count
Total of
boolean valuesSetResult
Avoid some punctuation while building Set properties.
Returns a single element. Useful to avoid typing a few
Convienence formatter for specifying UUID properties. (Requires Foundation)
Convienence formatter to specify URLs by strings for urls you know to be valid. URL strings are unsafely unwrapped. (Requires Foundation)