As of June 7 2021 this functionality is in the SwiftUI 3 beta.
The Apple implementation is a bit different from ResponderChain but switching over looks to be quite easy.
Also the Apple implementation only supports iOS 15 so I think this repo is still useful for backwards compatibility.
⛓️ ResponderChain
Cross-platform first responder handling without subclassing views or making custom ViewRepresentables in SwiftUI
- 💡 Easy to use: Get, set and resign first responder simply through an EnvironmentObject.
- ⏰ Time Saving: If an underlying view can become first responder all you have to do is tag it; and it works!
- 👀 Insightful: Gives insight in which views can become first responder.
Attach the ResponderChain as environmentObject.
// In the SceneDelegate or ApplicationDelegate where you have access to the window:
let rootView = Example().environmentObject(ResponderChain(forWindow: window))
// SwiftUI only:
Tag views that can become first responder.
Check tagged views that are currently available to become first responder.
Make tagged views become first responder.
chain.firstResponder = "MyTextField"
if chain.firstResponder == nil {
This is completely safe, if “MyTextField” was either not available to become first responder or it wasn’t tagged properly; chain.firstResponder
will become nil
Resign first responder.
chain.firstResponder = nil
Note: This only works if the current firstResponder was tagged.
Attach the ResponderChain as environmentObject.
// In the SceneDelegate or ApplicationDelegate where you have access to the window:
let rootView = ResponderChainExample().environmentObject(ResponderChain(forWindow: window))
// SwiftUI only:
struct ResponderChainExample: View {
@EnvironmentObject var chain: ResponderChain
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 20) {
// Show which view is first responder
Text("Selected field: \(chain.firstResponder?.description ?? "Nothing selected")")
// Some views that can become first responder
TextField("0", text: .constant(""), onCommit: { chain.firstResponder = "1" }).responderTag("0")
TextField("1", text: .constant(""), onCommit: { chain.firstResponder = "2" }).responderTag("1")
TextField("2", text: .constant(""), onCommit: { chain.firstResponder = "3" }).responderTag("2")
TextField("3", text: .constant(""), onCommit: { chain.firstResponder = nil }).responderTag("3")
// Buttons to change first responder
HStack {
Button("Select 0", action: { chain.firstResponder = "0" })
Button("Select 1", action: { chain.firstResponder = "1" })
Button("Select 2", action: { chain.firstResponder = "2" })
Button("Select 3", action: { chain.firstResponder = "3" })
.onAppear {
// Set first responder on appear
DispatchQueue.main.async {
chain.firstResponder = "0"
As of June 7 2021 this functionality is in the SwiftUI 3 beta.
The Apple implementation is a bit different from ResponderChain but switching over looks to be quite easy.
Also the Apple implementation only supports iOS 15 so I think this repo is still useful for backwards compatibility.
⛓️ ResponderChain
Cross-platform first responder handling without subclassing views or making custom ViewRepresentables in SwiftUI
Attach the ResponderChain as environmentObject.
Tag views that can become first responder.
Check tagged views that are currently available to become first responder.
Make tagged views become first responder.
Resign first responder.
Attach the ResponderChain as environmentObject.