Regulate is a lightweight library that brings the following time-based regulation operations for things that can emit values over times (and are not using reactive programming or AsyncSequence).
Debounce (Outputs elements only after a specified time interval elapses between events)
Throttle (Outputs either the most-recent or first element pushed by a producer in the specified time interval)
Regulate is entirely backed by Swift concurrency and limits the number of created Tasks to the minimum.
let regulator = Task.debounce(dueTime: .milliseconds(200)) { (value: Int) in
// the created `regulator` can be used across `Tasks` and each call to `regulator.push(x)`
// will feed the regulation system
// the execution of the provided closure will be debounced and executed 200ms after the last call to `push(x)`
Regulate also provides SwiftUI helpers to regulate buttons and bindings out of the box.
You can give a look at the Sample app.
For a Button, it is as simple as:
Button {
print("I've been hit (throttled)!")
} label: {
Text("Hit me")
.throttle(dueTime: .seconds(1))
For a Binding, there is a tiny bit of extra work:
@State private var text = ""
@StateObject private var debouncer = Debouncer<String>(dueTime: .seconds(1))
text: self
.perform(regulator: debouncer) { text in
print("regulated text \(text)") // you can perform any side effect here!
) {
Adding Regulate as a Dependency
To use the Regulate library in a SwiftPM project,
add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:
Regulate is a lightweight library that brings the following time-based regulation operations for things that can emit values over times (and are not using reactive programming or
).Regulate is entirely backed by Swift concurrency and limits the number of created
to the minimum.Regulate also provides SwiftUI helpers to regulate buttons and bindings out of the box. You can give a look at the Sample app.
For a Button, it is as simple as:
For a Binding, there is a tiny bit of extra work:
Adding Regulate as a Dependency
To use the
library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in yourPackage.swift
as a dependency for your executable target:Finally, add
import Regulate
to your source code.