

A new, clean and lean network interface reachability library written in Swift.


Network reachability changes can be monitored using the built-in Combine publisher or an async stream.

While it is possible to create customised instances, a default shared instance is provided.

The native NWPathMonitor is used under the covers to provide the library functionality.

Basic Usage


import Reachability

if Reachability.shared.currentPath.isReachable {
    print("We are online")
} else {
    print("No internet")


import SwiftUI
import Reachability

struct SomeView: View {
    @ObservedObject var reachability = Reachability.shared

    var body: some View {
        if reachability.currentPath.isReachable {
            // Show some data loaded from the internet
        } else {
            Text("No internet connection")

Using Combine

import Reachability

var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()

    .sink { path in
        if path.isReachable {
            print("We are online")
        } else {
            print("No internet")
    .store(in: &subscriptions)

Using AsyncStream

import Reachability

Task {
    for await path in Reachability.shared.stream {
        if path.isReachable {
            print("We are online")
        } else {
            print("No internet")


Reachability can be installed using Swift Package Manager, a dependency manager built into Xcode.

While in Xcode, go to File / Swift Packages / Add Package Dependency… and enter the package repository URL https://github.com/Alecrim/Reachability.git, then follow the instructions.

To remove the dependency, select the project and open Swift Packages (next to Build Settings).

Minimum Requirements

Reachability Swift Xcode Platforms
Reachability 1.0 Swift 5.5 Xcode 13.0 macOS 10.15 / iOS 13.0 / tvOS 13.0 / watchOS 6.0


Reachability is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

47.0 KB
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