



This project is a robust, Swift-only, high-quality, “drop-in replacement” for the traditional UISwitch, provided by Apple. It derives from UIControl, and provides almost exactly the same API as UISwitch.

It is implemented as a single source file, with no dependencies.

Integrating into your application is as simple as adding a UIView in Interface Builder, and specifying it to be RVS_Checkbox, or creating an instance of RVS_Checkbox.


The classic UISwitch:

The Standard UISwitch Control

Is a great UI element, and is used in place of the classic “checkbox” for Mac:

The Standard Mac Checkbox Control

Which doesn’t actually work as well, in the “fat finger” world of iOS UI.

So, What’s the Problem?

The issue is that the UISwitch is a big, rather awkwardly-shaped element. It is “lozenge”-shaped, and always horizontal, so can require a bit of creativity, when it comes to fitting it into a UI. Also, it has a specific design aesthetic, and can be difficult to customize (to be fair, Apple doesn’t encourage us to customize ANY UI, so that’s no surprise).

Because of the horizontal aspect of the control, it is fairly “natural” to have the label to the left: A Switch, With the Label on the Left

…or the right:

A Switch, With the Label on the Right

But it looks “awkward” to have it below the switch:

A Switch, With the Label on the Bottom

This is especially true, if you use “label buttons,” like I do (run the test harness, to see them in action). It is also a bit “weird,” as the slider appearance seems to ask for a swipe gesture, as opposed to a tap gesture (which is really what we want). That means that the gesture also requires some “mental runway.” The RVS_Checkbox allows a square aspect, and a directionless (tap) action, like a regular checkbox.

UISwitch also has a strictly “binary” action. If you have three choices, you are expected to use a UISegmentedControl, which is actually quite sensible. Apple obviously put a lot of research into their UX, and there’s a good reason for this. Mobile interfaces are a compromise, at best.

Why Does the RVS_Checkbox Solve This Problem?

Glad you asked. The RVS_Checkbox comes with two “built-in” appearances: A default, circular checkbox, and a fairly “classic” appearance that uses the built-in SF Symbols to mimic the way the Mac checkboxes appear.

You can also add your own images.

Images are simple. They are always rendered in “template” mode, so they are “silhouettes,” and are colored by the control’s tint.

Additionally, RVS_Checkbox brings the “three-state” checkbox that is found in the Mac, to iOS. That means it is possible to have an “OFF,” “ON,” and “indeterminate” mode (I call it “CLEAR”). The default appearence is the circular checkbox, and the default mode is “binary,” like UISwitch.

Here are what the images look like (the color is controlled by the tintColor property of the control):

ON The Default Image for the ON State. The SF Symbols Image for the ON State. An Example Customer-Supplied Image for the ON State.
OFF The Default Image for the OFF State. The SF Symbols Image for the OFF State. An Example Customer-Supplied Image for the OFF State.
CLEAR The Default Image for the CLEAR State. The SF Symbols Image for the CLEAR State. An Example Customer-Supplied Image for the CLEAR State.

The “DEFAULT” and “SF SYMBOLS” images are “baked into” the class, and the “USER-PROVIDED” images are three arbitrary images that were added in the storyboard (you can see these in the test harness).

The images will resize with the control, but will retain their aspect (Aspect fit mode).


RVS_Checkbox is an iOS/iPadOS-only UIKit/Cocoa Touch framework UIControl, designed for use by Swift language applications.

It is designed for native Swift iOS application development.

This requires iOS/iPadOS version 13.0 or above.


There are no dependencies for the module. If you will be running the test harness, you will need to load the RVS_Generic_Swift_Toolbox project, as well. Again, THIS IS NOT NECESSARY TO USE THE PACKAGE. IT IS ONLY FOR THE TEST HARNESS!


The control is provided as a Swift Package Manager package, and can be installed using Carthage. You can also simply drag the project into your own project, straight from a local repo, or even just include the single source file (I like to keep the number of source files to a minimum for these types of projects).

Swift Package Manager

The repo that you should include with SPM, is git@github.com:RiftValleySoftware/RVS_Checkbox.git.

Either by directly editing the Package.swift file, or by using the project GUI, add the package:

Adding the Package Directly to One Target:

Step 1: Add A Package

Step 1: In the “Swift Packages” tab of the main project, select the “+” button, to add a package.

Step 2: Enter the URI

Step 2: In the resulting modal screen, enter the GitHub URI: git@github.com:RiftValleySoftware/RVS_Checkbox.git.

Step 3: Enter the Version

Step 3: Enter the current version (if you used the URI, then this is already set).

Step 4: Add the Package to Your Target

Step 4: Add the package to your target. You can only add the package to one target, at this point.

Adding the Package to Another Target:

If you have the package imported, you now have it available like any other framework, and you can add it manually to any target, using the General Tab:

Step 5: Adding to A Target

Step 5: Adding the package to a target in the General Tab.

Step 6: Selecting the Framework

Step 6: Selecting the imported framework.


At this point, you will need to import the module in the Swift source files that will be accessing it:

import RVS_Checkbox


If you are using Carthage, then you should add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "RiftValleySoftware/RVS_Checkbox"

Then, open Terminal, and navigate to the top of the project directory, and type this into Terminal:

carthage update

It will create a directory at the same level as the Cartfile, called “Carthage.” Inside of this directory, will be another directory, called “Checkouts.” Inside of that directory, will be another one, called “RVS_Checkbox.” You want to go into “Sources/RVS_Checkout,” and access the RVS_Checkbox.swift file. Drag this into your project, and associate it with your app build target.

The Carthage Checkouts Directory

Directly Accessing the GitHub Repo

The GitHub repo is https://github.com/RiftValleySoftware/RVS_Checkbox.

The Git clone URI is git@github.com:RiftValleySoftware/RVS_Checkbox.git (SSH), or https://github.com/RiftValleySoftware/RVS_Checkbox.git (HTTPS).

You can access the repo directly, and clone it, or add it as a Git Submodule to your project.

If you do this, be aware that you only need to add one single file to your project; the RVS_Checkbox.swift file.

It is advisable to directly integrate this file into your project, as opposed to building a library. It is only one source file, and integrating it will be easiest all around.

If we integrate directly, then there is no need to import the module. The RVS_Checkbox class will be directly available in the module namespace.


This README provides the principal documentation, but there is also a code documentation site that may be helpful in implementing RVS_Checkbox.


In order to use RVS_Checkbox, we need to either add it in Interface Builder, or create the instance programmatically.


Interface Builder

If we are using Interface Builder to implement our instance of RVS_Checkbox, we start by opening our View Controller up in IB, and pressing the “+” button, in the upper, right corner:

The Add New Element Button

This will open a modal screen, allowing us to select the type of element we wish to add.

We should select a genericUIView (View) object:

Add View

Drag that into the View Controller (1), and arrange it the way that you like. Then select it, and select the Identity Inspector tab. Once that has been selected, enter RVS_Checkbox as the object class (2).

If we used Swift Package Manager to add the class, we should set the “Module“ field to “RVS_Checkbox.” (3) Otherwise, we should check the “Inherit Module From Target“ checkbox, and let the app module be chosen.

Set Class and Module

Finally, we should select the Properties Inspector, and set the various inspectable properties to the ones we want to see:

Set Class Properties

NOTE: As of the writing of this guide, the IBDesignable support seems to have issues rendering the control (See the “Designables Build Failed“ message). I’ll be seeing what I can do to address this. It does not prevent the control from working; all it does is prevent it from previewing.

Dynamic Instantiation

Dynamic instantiation isn’t difficult. Simply create an instance of RVS_Checkbox, in the same way we would UIView:

/* ################################################################## */
 This sets up the three checkboxes along the bottom of the screen.
 We set up a center box, using SF Symbols, then add one to its left, using the default, and one to its right, using some custom images.

 We use programmatic Auto-Layout for this.
func setUpDynamicCheckBoxes() {
    if let dynamicContainer = dynamicContainer {    // Make sure we have the container.
        let gap: CGFloat = 8
        let dynamicControlSize: CGFloat = 64
        let testImageFormat = "TestImage-%d"

        let centerDynamicCheckbox = RVS_Checkbox()  // Create the instance
        dynamicContainer.addSubview(centerDynamicCheckbox)  // Add it to the container.
        centerDynamicCheckbox.backgroundColor = .clear      // Nothing behind us (Just to be sure).
        centerDynamicCheckbox.tintColor = checkboxObject?.tintColor // We steal the tint color from the IB-instantiated checkbox.
        centerDynamicCheckbox.isUsingSFSymbols = true
        centerDynamicCheckbox.isThreeState = true
        centerDynamicCheckbox.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

                                    centerDynamicCheckbox.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: dynamicContainer.centerXAnchor, constant: 0),
                                    centerDynamicCheckbox.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: dynamicControlSize),
                                    centerDynamicCheckbox.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: dynamicControlSize)
        let leftDynamicCheckbox = RVS_Checkbox()
        leftDynamicCheckbox.backgroundColor = .clear
        leftDynamicCheckbox.tintColor = checkboxObject?.tintColor
        leftDynamicCheckbox.isThreeState = true
        leftDynamicCheckbox.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
                                    leftDynamicCheckbox.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centerDynamicCheckbox.leadingAnchor, constant: -gap),
                                    leftDynamicCheckbox.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: dynamicControlSize),
                                    leftDynamicCheckbox.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: dynamicControlSize)
        let rightDynamicCheckbox = RVS_Checkbox()
        rightDynamicCheckbox.backgroundColor = .clear
        rightDynamicCheckbox.tintColor = checkboxObject?.tintColor
        rightDynamicCheckbox.offImage = UIImage(named: String(format: testImageFormat, 0))
        rightDynamicCheckbox.clearImage = UIImage(named: String(format: testImageFormat, 1))
        rightDynamicCheckbox.onImage = UIImage(named: String(format: testImageFormat, 2))
        rightDynamicCheckbox.isThreeState = true
        rightDynamicCheckbox.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
                                    rightDynamicCheckbox.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centerDynamicCheckbox.trailingAnchor, constant: gap),
                                    rightDynamicCheckbox.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: dynamicControlSize),
                                    rightDynamicCheckbox.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: dynamicControlSize)

The above code snippet was taken directly from the Test Harness project. It shows how we create the three dynamically-instantiated checkboxes on the bottom of the screen.

That results in this display:

The Dynamic Display


There are a number of options available, for customizing the way that the control works.

These are available, both in Interface Builder, or programmatically.

Three-State (Default OFF)

The Documentation for This Option

The control can operate in two modes:

Two-State (Default)

This is the default operation of the checkbox. It has two states: OFF or ON (0 or 1, in value).


If we set the useThreeState checkbox option to ON, then the control has three states: OFF (-1), CLEAR (0), and ON (1). CLEAR can be used as an “indeterminate” state, and is selected between the other two states, when continually actuating the control (OFF-CLEAR-ON, or ON-CLEAR-OFF).

Use SF Symbols (Default OFF)

The Documentation for this Option

If this option is ON (default is OFF), then the control will display images that approximate the Mac checkboxes.

If this is selected, then the “Use OFF Image for CLEAR” option is ignored (as there is a specific way the Mac checkboxes work, and they already do this).

Use OFF Image for CLEAR (Default OFF)

The Documentation for this Option

If this is selected (default is OFF), then, in either the default appearance, or custom image appearance, the image used for the Three-State “OFF” state is used for Two-State “CLEAR” (also OFF).

This is ignored for Three-State, or if using SF Symbol appearance.

Use Haptics (DEFAULT ON)

The Documentation for This Option

By default, the control uses the same subtle haptics that UISwitch uses. If this is turned OFF, then no haptics are used.

Haptics are not used when setting the value programatically, even if this is ON.


It is possible to override the built-in images, and add your own.

OFF Image

The Documentation for This Option


The Documentation for This Option

ON Image

The Documentation for This Option

Checkbox State

The checkbox is always in some state: OFF, CLEAR or ON. If in Two-State Mode, then OFF and CLEAR are synonymous.

State is available either through the checkboxState property (uses the RVS_Checkbox.States enum), or by the value property (Uses Integers -1, 0, or 1). You can modify either one, and the control will change its state (NOTE: Programmatic changes to control state will not send action messages, or trigger haptics)

The value property allows you to affect the control state, numerically. Negative numbers will be OFF (or CLEAR, if in two-state mode). 0 is CLEAR, and positive numbers are ON.

It has the same isOn property that UISwitch has.

Additionally, it also has isOff, and isClear (which is the same as isOff in Two-State Mode).

Like UISwitch, it has a setOn(_:Bool,animated:Bool) method. It also has setClear.


RVS_Checkbox has two main differences from UISwitch: it does not support onTintColor, or thumbTintColor.

It also does not support the Mac-style checkbox functionality for Mac Catalyst. This will work in Mac Catalyst, but in exactly the same way that it does for iOS.


The Test Harness App Screen

Although not required to implement RVS_Checkbox, the Test Harness App is useful for demonstrating its capabilities, and providing guidance in employing the control.

It is strongly suggested that, if you have any questions or concerns with the implementation of RVS_Checkbox, you begin by running the test harness, and examining its codebase.

The app, itself, is extremely simple. It is a single-screen iOS app that will run on iPods, iPhones, and iPads.

It is a UIKit-based app, using a storyboard (Interface Builder).

This is the Test Harness App Location in the GitHub Repo

App Build Targets

App Targets

There are four app targets, in addition to the framework target (RVS_Checkbox). All targets share source, with the exception of the Direct and Carthage targets. They use the same source code, but a separate storyboard. This is because their implementation of RVS_Checkbox is compiled directly into the app, so there is no separate module.

RVS_Checkbox_Test_Harness (Direct)

This target directly imports the RVS_Checkbox.swift file into the project, with no package manager or library/framework. The file is compiled in the app namespace.

RVS_Checkbox_Test_Harness (Framework)

This target uses the built-in RVS_Checkbox dynamic framework target to build the framework, and imports that dylib into the project.

RVS_Checkbox_Test_Harness (SPM)

This target uses the Swift Package Manager to import the package from its location in GitHub. This is the preferred method of employing RVS_Checkbox in your project.

RVS_Checkbox_Test_Harness (Carthage)

This target uses GitHub Carthage to fetch the package from its location in GitHub. It then directly includes the RVS_Checkbox.swift file from the Carthage directory, into the project, with no library/framework. The file is compiled in the app namespace.

App Run Schemes

App Schemes

There are four run schemes to go with each target.

Dependencies and Requirements

Depending upon which target, the RVS_Checkbox framework/source file may be a dependency.

All targets are dependent upon the RVS_Generic_Swift_Toolbox Package, using the Swift Package Manager.
