
Prompt Build Status

Prompts the user for more information.



Ask presents the user with a prompt and waits for the user input.

let userName = ask("Enter user name?")

userName will contain the name entered by the user

Ask can be used to ask for value of Int, Double or Float types, to ask for an integer for example:

let age = ask("How old are you?", type: Int.self)

If the user prints something thats not convertible to integer, a new prompt is displayed to him, this prompt will keep displaying until the user enters an Int:

How old are you?
You must enter a valid Integer.
?  Error
You must enter a valid Integer.
?  5

Validations are added by calling addInvalidCase on AskSettings.

let name = ask("Who are you?") { settings in
    settings.addInvalidCase("Snuffles is not allowed") { value in

If the user entered Snuffles ask will keep displaying the invalid message passed to addInvalidCase

Who are you?
Snuffles is not allowed
?  Snuffles
Snuffles is not allowed
?  Snowball

Your name is Snowball

AskSettings.confirm will ask the user to confirm his choice after entering it

let name = ask("Who are you?") { settings in
    settings.confirm = true

The above will output:

Who are you?
Are you sure?  YES

Your name is Snuffles


Choose is used to prompt the user to select an item between several possible items.

To display a choice of programming lanaugage for example:

let choice = choose("Whats your favorite programming language? ",
    choices: "Swift", "Objective C", "Ruby", "Python", "Java :S")

This will print:

1. Swift
2. Objective C
3. Ruby
4. Python
5. Java :S
Whats your favorite programming language?

The user can either choose the numbers (1..5) or the item itself. If the user enters a wrong input. A prompt will keep showing until the user makes a correct choice

Whats your favorite programming language? JavaScript
You must choose one of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Swift, Objective C, Ruby, Python, Java :S].
?  BBB
You must choose one of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Swift, Objective C, Ruby, Python, Java :S].
?  Swift

You selected Swift, good choice!

You can customize the return value for each choice element. For example if you want to get an Int from the choice, you would do this

let choice = choose("Whats your favorite programming language? ", type: Int.self) { settings in
    settings.addChoice("Swift") { 42 }
    settings.addChoice("Objective C") { 20 }

The number on the left can be changed to letters, here is how you could do that:

let choice = choose("Whats your favorite programming language? ", type: String.self) { settings in
   //choice value will be set to GOOD
   settings.addChoice("Swift") { "GOOD" }

   //choice value will be set to BAD
   settings.addChoice("Java") { "BAD" }

   settings.index = .Letters
   settings.indexSuffix = " ----> "

That will print:

a ----> Swift
b ----> Java
Whats your favorite programming language?


Agree is used to ask a user for a Yes/No question. It returns a boolean representing the user input.

let choice = agree("Are you sure you want to `rm -rf /` ?")

If the user enters any invalid input, agree will keep prompting him for a Yes/No question

Are you sure you want to `rm -rf /` ?  What!
Please enter "yes" or "no".
Are you sure you want to `rm -rf /` ?  Wait
Please enter "yes" or "no".
Are you sure you want to `rm -rf /` ?  No

You entered false


Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "https://github.com/getGuaka/Prompt.git", from: "0.0.0"),



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