Position is a lightweight location positioning library for iOS.
“one shot” customizable location requests
distance and time-based location filtering
location tracking support
device heading support
permission check and response support
geospatial math utilities
place data formatting utilities
automatic low-battery location modes
vCard location creation
multiple component observer-based architecture
Quick Start
Position is available for installation using the Swift Package Manager or the Cocoa dependency manager CocoaPods. Alternatively, you can simply copy the Position source files into your Xcode project.
The sample project provides an example of how to integrate Position, otherwise you can follow these steps.
Ensure your app’s Info.plist file includes both a location usage description, required device capability “location-services”, and required background mode (if necessary).
See sample project for examples.
Import the file and setup your component to be a PositionObserver, if you’d like it to be a delegate.
import Position
class ViewController: UIViewController, PositionObserver {
// ...
Have the component add itself as an observer and configure the appropriate settings.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...
Position.shared.distanceFilter = 20
if Position.shared.locationServicesStatus == .allowedWhenInUse ||
Position.shared.locationServicesStatus == .allowedAlways {
Position.shared.performOneShotLocationUpdate(withDesiredAccuracy: 250) { (location, error) -> () in
print(location, error)
} else {
// request permissions based on the type of location support required.
// Position.shared.requestAlwaysLocationAuthorization()
Observe delegation, if necessary.
func position(position: Position, didChangeLocationAuthorizationStatus status: LocationAuthorizationStatus) {
// location authorization did change, often this may even be triggered on application resume if the user updated settings
Remember when creating location-based apps, respect the privacy of your users and be responsible for how you use their location. This is especially true if your application requires location permission kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways.
To share a location using a vCard, simply call the vCard function on any location object instance.
let fileURL = location.vCard()
Core Location Additions
Position is bundled with a variety of additions to Core Location, such as geospatial math utilities. For example, one can calculation the direction between two coordinate points enabling directional views and other waypoint representations.
is a lightweight location positioning library for iOS.Quick Start
is available for installation using the Swift Package Manager or the Cocoa dependency manager CocoaPods. Alternatively, you can simply copy thePosition
source files into your Xcode project.Usage
The sample project provides an example of how to integrate
, otherwise you can follow these steps.Ensure your app’s
file includes both a location usage description, required device capability “location-services”, and required background mode (if necessary).See sample project for examples.
Import the file and setup your component to be a PositionObserver, if you’d like it to be a delegate.
Have the component add itself as an observer and configure the appropriate settings.
Observe delegation, if necessary.
Remember when creating location-based apps, respect the privacy of your users and be responsible for how you use their location. This is especially true if your application requires location permission
.To share a location using a vCard, simply call the vCard function on any location object instance.
Core Location Additions
Position is bundled with a variety of additions to Core Location, such as geospatial math utilities. For example, one can calculation the direction between two coordinate points enabling directional views and other waypoint representations.
You can find the docs here. Documentation is generated with jazzy and hosted on GitHub-Pages.
Position is available under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for more information.