
PopupView Logo

Popups presentation made simple

Create beautiful and fully customisable popups in no time. Keep your code clean

Try demo we prepared

SwiftUI logo Platforms: iOS, iPadOS Release: 1.6 Swift Package Manager: Compatible License: MIT

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Popup Examples

PopupView is a free and open-source library dedicated for SwiftUI that makes the process of presenting popups easier and much cleaner.

  • Improves code quality. Show your popup using the showAndStack() or showAndReplace() method.
    Hide the selected one with dismiss(). Simple as never.
  • Create any popup. We know how important customisation is; that’s why we give you the opportunity to design your popup in any way you like.
  • Designed for SwiftUI. While developing the library, we have used the power of SwiftUI to give you powerful tool to speed up your implementation process.

Getting Started

✋ Requirements

Platforms Minimum Swift Version
iOS 15+, iPadOS 15+ 5.0

⏳ Installation

Swift package manager

The Swift package manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding PopupView as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/Mijick/PopupView.git", branch(“main”))


Cocoapods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects that helps to scale them elegantly.

Installation steps:

  • Install CocoaPods 1.10.0 (or later)
  • Generate CocoaPods for your project
      pod init
  • Add CocoaPods dependency into your Podfile
      pod 'Mijick_PopupView'
  • Install dependency and generate .xcworkspace file
      pod install
  • Use new XCode project file .xcworkspace


1. Setup library

Inside your @main structure call the implementPopupView method

  var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup(content: ContentView().implementPopupView)

The library provides an ability to present your custom view in three predefinied places - Top, Centre and Bottom.
In order to present it, it is necessary to confirm to one of the protocols during your view declaration:

  • TopPopup - presents popup view from the top
  • CentrePopup - presents popup view from the center
  • BottomPopup - presents popup view from the bottom

So that an example view you want to present will have the following declaration:

struct BottomCustomPopup: BottomPopup {

3. Implement createContent() method

The function above is used instead of the body property, and declares the design of the popup view.

struct BottomCustomPopup: BottomPopup {    
    func createContent() -> some View {
        HStack(spacing: 0) {
            Text("Witaj okrutny świecie")
            Button(action: dismiss) { Text("Dismiss") } 
        .padding(.vertical, 20)
        .padding(.leading, 24)
        .padding(.trailing, 16)

4. Implement configurePopup(popup: Config) -> Config method

Declaring this step is optional - if you wish, you can skip this step and leave the UI configuration to us.
Each protocol has its own set of methods that can be used to create a unique appearance for every popup.

struct BottomCustomPopup: BottomPopup {    
    func createContent() -> some View {
        HStack(spacing: 0) {
            Text("Witaj okrutny świecie")
            Button(action: dismiss) { Text("Dismiss") } 
        .padding(.vertical, 20)
        .padding(.leading, 24)
        .padding(.trailing, 16)
    func configurePopup(popup: BottomPopupConfig) -> BottomPopupConfig {

Just call BottomCustomPopup().showAndStack() from the selected place

struct SettingsViewModel {
    func saveSettings() {

6. Closing popups

There are two methods to do so:

  • By calling one of the methods dismiss, dismiss(_ popup: Popup.Type), dismissAll inside the popup you created
    struct BottomCustomPopup: BottomPopup {
      func createButton() -> some View {
          Button(action: dismiss) { Text("Tap to close") } 
  • By calling one of three static methods of PopupManager:
    • PopupManager.dismiss()
    • PopupManager.dismiss(id: "some_id") where id is the identifier of the popup you want to close
    • PopupManager.dismiss(_ popup: Popup.Type) where popup is the popup you want to close
    • PopupManager.dismissAll()

Try our demo

See for yourself how does it work by cloning project we created


PopupView is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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