
🌱 Cozy Pod Install

Using CocoaPods in a more convenient way ☕️

🦄 Automagically adding prefix bundle exec if Gemfile is found
🚑 Handling Bundler missing gems error → bundle install
🚑 Handling CocoaPods out-of-date source repos error → pod repo update
🌍 You don’t need to manually sync all your aliases between all macs
✨ Output fancy log and animations
🔔 Playing bell sound in the end
🚀 Swiftish!

That utility helps me a lot. I wonder if there is somebody who finds it useful too.
It’s the Swift version of my older repository 🌱 Pods Install
You can read 📖 more in my blog.

Download binary with Homebrew 🍺

brew tap swiftyfinch/Pods https://github.com/swiftyfinch/Pods.git
brew install pods

Quick start with Mint 🌱

brew install mint
mint install swiftyfinch/pods

# Now on Mint 0.17.0 you'll need to add ~/.mint/bin to your $PATH
# For example, add this to your ~/.zshrc file and relaunch terminal
export PATH=$HOME/.mint/bin:$PATH

Watch 🎬 installation demo
It’s from my another project, but the idea is the pretty same.

How to use 🏈

Run in your project directory instead of pod install:

pods install
# or just

pods "update Alamofire Snapkit"
# or any subcommand
pods "<subcommand>"
# or in quiet mode (like in demo video)
pods -q


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