The code in this library has been made public as-is for the purposes of education, discovery, and personal use. It is NOT production-ready; however, if you’re interested in leveraging this library as a dependency for your own projects, feel free to do so (at your own risk) and open GitHub issues for any problems you encounter and I will do my best to provide support.
To Do
Include default configuration files (so repositories don’t need their own) via PluginSupport module.
Allow repository to override the configuration file used with standard local dotfile for the applicable command.
[] Add pre-commit installation scripts.
[] Add and other common script files to the project.
Add Format command (via SwiftFormat) as Swift Package and Xcode plugins.
Add functionality for formatting staged files only.
[] Add Lint command (via SwiftLint) as Swift Package and Xcode plugin.
[] Add functionality for linting staged files only.
Example Xcode Plugin
#if canImport(XcodeProjectPlugin)
import XcodeProjectPlugin
extension FormatPlugin: XcodeCommandPlugin {
func performCommand(context: XcodePluginContext, arguments: [String]) throws {
try self.perform(
swiftformat: try context.tool(named: "swiftformat"),
fileProvider: try context.tool(named: "kipple-file-provider"),
// FIXME: This needs to detect the version somehow! Detect a .swift-version file, maybe?
defaultSwiftVersion: "5.7",
arguments: arguments
) { targetNames in
// It is impossible to provide directories like in Swift Package case
// because input files in XcodeTarget aren't restricted by a directory.
let targets = context.xcodeProject.targets.filter { targetNames.contains($0.displayName) }
return targets.flatMap(\.inputFiles).map(\.path.string)
A collection of Swift Package Manager plugins.
To Do
and other common script files to the project.Format
Example Xcode Plugin