Ready to use on iOS 11+. Supports iOS, tvOS and SwiftUI.
Swift Package Manager
In Xcode go to Project -> Your Project Name -> Package Dependencies -> Tap Plus. Insert url:
Next, choose the permissions you need. But don’t add all of them, because apple will reject app.
Or adding it to the dependencies of your Package.swift:
This is an outdated way of doing things. I advise you to use SPM. However, I will continue to support Cocoapods for some time.
Cocoapods Instalation
CocoaPods is a dependency manager. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:
pod 'PermissionsKit/NotificationPermission', :git => ''
Due to Apple’s new policy regarding permission access you need to specifically define what kind of permissions you want to access using subspecs.
pod 'PermissionsKit/CameraPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/ContactsPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/CalendarPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/PhotoLibraryPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/NotificationPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/MicrophonePermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/RemindersPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/SpeechRecognizerPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/LocationWhenInUsePermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/LocationAlwaysPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/MotionPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/MediaLibraryPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/BluetoothPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/TrackingPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/FaceIDPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/SiriPermission', :git => ''
pod 'PermissionsKit/HealthPermission', :git => ''
import PermissionsKit
import NotificationPermission
let authorized = Permission.notification.authorized
Keys in Info.plist
You need to add some keys to the Info.plist file with descriptions, per Apple’s requirements. You can get a plist of keys for permissions as follows:
let key = Permission.bluetooth.usageDescriptionKey
Do not use the description as the name of the key.
If you use xliff localization export, keys will be create automatically. If you prefer do the localization file manually, you need to create InfoPlist.strings, select languages on the right side menu and add keys as keys in plist-file. See:
"NSCameraUsageDescription" = "Here description of usage camera";
Apps Using
If you use a PermissionsKit, add your application via Pull Request.
Universal API for request permission and get its statuses. Available
Ready to use on iOS 11+. Supports iOS, tvOS and
.Swift Package Manager
In Xcode go to Project -> Your Project Name ->
Package Dependencies
-> Tap Plus. Insert url:Next, choose the permissions you need. But don’t add all of them, because apple will reject app. Or adding it to the
of yourPackage.swift
:and choose valid targets.
This is an outdated way of doing things. I advise you to use SPM. However, I will continue to support Cocoapods for some time.
Cocoapods Instalation
CocoaPods is a dependency manager. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate using CocoaPods, specify it in your
:Due to Apple’s new policy regarding permission access you need to specifically define what kind of permissions you want to access using subspecs.
Request Permission
Status Permission
Keys in Info.plist
You need to add some keys to the
file with descriptions, per Apple’s requirements. You can get a plist of keys for permissions as follows:Localisation
If you use xliff localization export, keys will be create automatically. If you prefer do the localization file manually, you need to create
, select languages on the right side menu and add keys as keys in plist-file. See:Apps Using
If you use a
, add your application via Pull Request.