This project provides an implementation of a logger that tracks user behavior and system behavior.
Using this implementation, many logging-related processes can be standardized and hidden.
This is especially useful in the following cases
- There are multiple backends sending event logs, and the user wants to control which event logs are sent to which backend.
- Buffering event logs in local storage to prevent missing event logs
- To centrally manage parameters that are common to many event logs.
If you are using Xcode Project, you can add a dependency for this Package by specifying this repository from Xcode.
If you are using the Swift Package Project, you can add a dependency for this Package by adding the following description to Package.swift.
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ParchmentCore", package: "Parchment"),
// The following statements are optional
.product(name: "Parchment", package: "Parchment"),
Project Overview
It contains the main logic and definitions for logging processing and event logging definitions.
Provides a stander implementation compliant with the Protocol provided by ParchmentCore. If you implement your own buffer and scheduler, you do not need to add any dependencies.
See the Customization section for more details.
This is an experimental API that generates Swift code from event log specifications written in natural language.
See the document section for more details.
This section describes the basic usage of this project.
Definision logging event
// with struct
struct Event: Loggable {
public let eventName: String
public let parameters: [String : Any]
// with enum
enum Event: Loggable {
case impletion(screen: String)
var eventName: String {
var parameters: [String : Any] {
Alternatively, there are two ways to do this without definision logging event.
- Use type
- Use Dictionary. Dictionary is conformed Loggable.
Wrap logging service
Wrap existing logger implemention such as such as FirebaseAnalytics and endpoints with LoggerComponent.
extension LoggerComponentID {
static let analytics = LoggerComponentID("Analytics")
struct Analytics: LoggerComponent {
static let id: LoggerComponentID = .analytics
func send(_ event: Loggable) async -> Bool {
let url = URL(string: "https://your-endpoint/...")!
request.httpBody = convertBody(from: event)
return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
if let error = error {
continuation.resume(returning: false)
let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
else {
continuation.resume(returning: false)
continuation.resume(returning: true)
Send event
Initialize LoggerBundler
and send log using it.
let analytics = Analytics()
let logger = LoggerBundler(components: [analytics])
await logger.send(
TrackingEvent(eventName: "hoge", parameters: [:]),
with: .init(policy: .immediately)
await logger.send(.impletion(screen: "Home"))
await logger.send([\.eventName: "tapButton", \.parameters: ["ButtonID": 1]])
Please see the API documentation below(WIP).
This section describes how to customize the behavior of the logger.
Mutation converts one log into another.
This is useful if you have parameters that you want to add to all the logs.
To create the type and set it to logger, write as follows.
// An implementation similar to this can be found in Parchment
struct DeviceDataMutation: Mutation {
private let deviceParams = [
"OS": UIDevice.current.systemName,
"OS Version": UIDevice.current.systemVersion
public func transform(_ event: Loggable, id: LoggerComponentID) -> Loggable {
let log: LoggableDictonary = [
\.eventName: event.eventName,
\.parameters: event.parameters.merging(deviceParams) { left, _ in left }
return log
Extend LoggerComponentID
LoggerComponentID is an ID that uniquely recognizes a logger.
By extending LoggerComponentID, the destination of the log can be controlled as shown below.
extension LoggerComponentID {
static let firebase: Self = .init("firebase")
static let myBadkend: Self = .init("myBadkend")
await logger.send(.tap, with: .init(scope: .exclude([.firebase, .myBadkend])))
await logger.send(.tap, with: .init(scope: .only([.myBadkend])))
BufferedEventFlushScheduler determines the timing of fetching the log data in the buffer.
To create the type and set it to logger, write as follows.
// An implementation similar to this can be found in Parchment
final class RegularlyPollingScheduler: BufferedEventFlushScheduler {
public static let `default` = RegularlyPollingScheduler(timeInterval: 60)
let timeInterval: TimeInterval
var lastFlushedDate: Date = Date()
private weak var timer: Timer?
public init(
timeInterval: TimeInterval,
) {
self.timeInterval = timeInterval
public func schedule(with buffer: TrackingEventBufferAdapter) async -> AsyncThrowingStream<[BufferRecord], Error> {
return AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
let timer = Timer(fire: .init(), interval: 1, repeats: true) { _ in
Task { [weak self] in
await self?.tick(with: buffer) {
RunLoop.main.add(timer, forMode: .common)
self.timer = timer
public func cancel() {
private func tick(with buffer: TrackingEventBufferAdapter, didFlush: @escaping ([BufferRecord])->()) async {
guard await buffer.count() > 0 else { return }
let flush = {
let records = await buffer.load()
let timeSinceLastFlush = abs(self.lastFlushedDate.timeIntervalSinceNow)
if self.timeInterval < timeSinceLastFlush {
await flush()
self.lastFlushedDate = Date()
let logger = LoggerBundler(
components: [...],
buffer: TrackingEventBuffer = ...,
loggingStrategy: BufferedEventFlushScheduler = RegularlyPollingScheduler.default
TrackingEventBuffer is a buffer that saves the log.
Parchment defines a class SQLiteBuffer that uses SQLite to store logs.
This implementation can be replaced by a class that is compatible with TrackingEventBuffer.
This project provides an implementation of a logger that tracks user behavior and system behavior. Using this implementation, many logging-related processes can be standardized and hidden.
This is especially useful in the following cases
If you are using Xcode Project, you can add a dependency for this Package by specifying this repository from Xcode.
If you are using the Swift Package Project, you can add a dependency for this Package by adding the following description to Package.swift.
Project Overview
It contains the main logic and definitions for logging processing and event logging definitions.
Provides a stander implementation compliant with the Protocol provided by ParchmentCore. If you implement your own buffer and scheduler, you do not need to add any dependencies.
See the Customization section for more details.
This is an experimental API that generates Swift code from event log specifications written in natural language.
See the document section for more details.
This section describes the basic usage of this project.
Definision logging event
Alternatively, there are two ways to do this without definision logging event.
Wrap logging service
Wrap existing logger implemention such as such as FirebaseAnalytics and endpoints with LoggerComponent.
Send event
and send log using it.More Information
Please see the API documentation below(WIP).
This section describes how to customize the behavior of the logger.
Create a type that conforms to Mutation
Mutation converts one log into another.
This is useful if you have parameters that you want to add to all the logs.
To create the type and set it to logger, write as follows.
Extend LoggerComponentID
LoggerComponentID is an ID that uniquely recognizes a logger.
By extending LoggerComponentID, the destination of the log can be controlled as shown below.
Create a type that conforms to BufferedEventFlushScheduler
BufferedEventFlushScheduler determines the timing of fetching the log data in the buffer. To create the type and set it to logger, write as follows.
Create a type that conforms to TrackingEventBuffer
TrackingEventBuffer is a buffer that saves the log.
Parchment defines a class SQLiteBuffer that uses SQLite to store logs.
This implementation can be replaced by a class that is compatible with TrackingEventBuffer.