
🐱 Octokot

Test SPM compatible Swift 5.3 GitHub license

Swift toolkit for the GitHub API


Add dependency to Package.swift

.package(url: "https://github.com/Alexander-Ignition/Octokot", branch: "main"),

… and your target

.target(name: "ExampleApp", dependencies: ["Octokot"]),


Import the library and you can create an instance of the GitHub API. It is a wrapper over the GitHub REST API

import Octokot

let github = GitHubAPI()

Most methods are similar to urls from REST API.

You can call them using swift @dynamicMemberLookup

let repo = try await github.repos.apple.swift()

… or you can use them via subscript.

let repo = try await github.repos["server-swift"]["async-http-client"]()


Personal Access Token

Create a Personal Access Token after which you can set it in the configuration and use the methods for which authentication is required.

var configuration = GitHubAPI.Configuration.default
configuration.accessToken = .string("<personal_access_token>")

let github = GitHubAPI(configuration: configuration)

let user = try await github.user()

Personal Access Token can be in base 64 encoded strings for this case there is a second method in the configuration.

configuration.accessToken = .base64EncodedString("<base64_encoded_personal_access_token>")
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