Open Sound Control (OSC) library for macOS, iOS and tvOS written in Swift.
OSC address pattern matching and dispatch
Convenient OSC message value type masking, validation and strong-typing
Modular: use the provided UDP network layer by default, or use your own
Support for custom OSC types
Fully unit tested
Full DocC documentation
Getting Started
The library is available as a Swift Package Manager (SPM) package.
Use the URL when adding the library to a project or Swift package.
See the getting started guide for a detailed walkthrough of how to get the most out of OSCKit.
The Examples folder also contains projects to quickly get started.
See the online documentation or view it in Xcode’s documentation browser by selecting the Product → Build Documentation menu.
This includes a getting started guide, links to examples, and troubleshooting tips.
CocoaAsyncSocket is used by the OSCKit target for network sockets.
SwiftASCII is used for ASCII string and character formatting and validation.
Refer to this README for an overview of library features and syntax, and check out the example projects.
Coded by a bunch of 🐹 hamsters in a trenchcoat that calls itself @orchetect.
Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
If you enjoy using OSCKit and want to contribute to open-source financially, GitHub sponsorship is much appreciated. Feedback and code contributions are also welcome.
Community & Support
Please do not email maintainers for technical support. Several options are available for questions and feature ideas:
Questions and feature ideas can be posted to Discussions.
If an issue is a verifiable bug with reproducible steps it may be posted in Issues.
Contributions are welcome. Posting in Discussions first prior to new submitting PRs for features or modifications is encouraged.
Open Sound Control (OSC) library for macOS, iOS and tvOS written in Swift.
Getting Started
The library is available as a Swift Package Manager (SPM) package.
Use the URL
when adding the library to a project or Swift package.See the getting started guide for a detailed walkthrough of how to get the most out of OSCKit.
The Examples folder also contains projects to quickly get started.
See the online documentation or view it in Xcode’s documentation browser by selecting the Product → Build Documentation menu.
This includes a getting started guide, links to examples, and troubleshooting tips.
target for network sockets.Documentation
Refer to this README for an overview of library features and syntax, and check out the example projects.
Coded by a bunch of 🐹 hamsters in a trenchcoat that calls itself @orchetect.
Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
If you enjoy using OSCKit and want to contribute to open-source financially, GitHub sponsorship is much appreciated. Feedback and code contributions are also welcome.
Community & Support
Please do not email maintainers for technical support. Several options are available for questions and feature ideas:
Contributions are welcome. Posting in Discussions first prior to new submitting PRs for features or modifications is encouraged.