Notifwift is the NSNotificationCenter wrapper for Swift.
Notifwift resolves;
cumbersome management of Notification observers
meaningless dictionary key required for Notification.userInfo
long syntax to post/observe notifications
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "YourNotificationName")
do {
let notifwift = Notifwift()
notifwift.observe(notificationName) {(notification) in
print("Notifwift can observe Notification in simple way.", notification)
// Notifwift can observe Notification in simple way. name = YourNotificationName, object = nil, userInfo = nil
//printed nothing. Observers expire when the Notifwift instance(in this case) is destructed.
let notifwift = Notifwift()
notifwift.observe(notificationName) { (payload: String) in
print("This closure observes nothing but Notification with String payload.", payload)
notifwift.observe(notificationName) { (payload: Int) in
print("This closure observes nothing but Notification with Int payload.", payload)
}, payload:"aaaa")
// This closure observes nothing but Notification with String payload. aaaa, payload:1)
// This closure observes nothing but Notification with Int payload. 1
The receiver block accepts:
(Notification) -> Void
(Notification, T) -> Void
(T) -> Void
class Animal {}
class Cat: Animal {}
let notifwift = Notifwift()
notifwift.observe(notificationName) { (_, p:Animal) in
print("Received Animal.", p)
notifwift.observe(notificationName) { (_, p:Cat) in
print("Received Cat. Yes, of course, Notifwift recognizes subtypes.", p)
}, payload:Animal())
// Received Animal. (Animal #1), payload:Cat())
// Received Animal. (Cat #1)
// Received Cat. Yes, of course, Notifwift recognizes subtypes. (Cat #1)
enum SomeResult {
case Success(String)
case Fail(NSError)
let notifwift = Notifwift()
notifwift.observe(notificationName) { (_, p:SomeResult) in
switch p {
case .Success(let str):
print("Any Type can be used as a payload", str)
case .Fail(let err) where err.code == 403:
print("not authorized")
case .Fail(let err) where err.code == 404:
print("not found")
case .Fail(let err):
print("Notifwift has a chemistry with Enum Associated Values.", err)
}, payload:SomeResult.Success("like this."))
// Any Type can be used as a payload like this., payload:SomeResult.Fail(NSError(domain: "", code: 0, userInfo: nil)))
// Notifwift has a chemistry with Enum Associated Values. Error Domain= Code=0 "(null)"
let obj1 = NSObject()
let obj2 = NSObject()
let notifwift = Notifwift()
notifwift.observe(notificationName) { _ in
print("Received from all objects")
notifwift.observe(notificationName, from: obj1) { _ in
print("Received from obj1 only")
notifwift.observe(notificationName, from: obj2) { _ in
print("Received from obj2 only")
}, from: obj1)
// Received from all objects
// Received from obj1 only, from: obj2)
// Received from all objects
// Received from obj2 only
Since the registered observers for notifications are to disposed automatically when the Notifwift instance is dead, you can dispose them by your self.
Real World Example
Here’s an example usage.
let didReceiveUserNotification = Notification.Name(rawValue: "didReceiveUserNotification")
final class MyViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet var userInfoView: MyUserInfoView!
let notifwift = Notifwift()
override func viewDidLoad() {
notifwift.observe(didReceiveUserNotification) { [unowned self] in self.reload($0) } //Use `weak` or `unowned` on calling the self methods to avoid retain cycles.
private func reload(user: User) {
final class MyUserRepository {
func fetchUser(id: Int) {
MyAPIManager.fetchUser(id) { (user: User) in, payload: user)
The Notifwift instance is alive during MyViewController instance.
It dies when MyViewController instance dies, so observers registered in the Notifwift instance are to be removed automatically. Never mind if you have to manage observer!
Notifwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Notifwift"
Notifwift is available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
Notifwift is the NSNotificationCenter wrapper for Swift.
Notifwift resolves;
The receiver block accepts:
(Notification) -> Void
(Notification, T) -> Void
(T) -> Void
Since the registered observers for notifications are to disposed automatically when the Notifwift instance is dead, you can dispose them by your self.
Real World Example
Here’s an example usage.
The Notifwift instance is alive during MyViewController instance. It dies when MyViewController instance dies, so observers registered in the Notifwift instance are to be removed automatically. Never mind if you have to manage observer!
Notifwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
Notifwift is available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
Notifwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.