
Notifier Telegram Bot

This bot monitors websites and notifies you via Telegram, when they visually change.

The bot supports the following commands:
Lists all commands and their descriptions
Lists all commands and their descriptions
Lists all entries including their areas
Lists all entries including their websites
/info <name>
Shows more information about a specific entry
Returns your User ID
/add <name> <URL> [x y width height]
Adds a new website with an optional screenshot area to the list
/remove <name>
Removes an entry from the list
/update <name> <x> <y> <width> <height>
Updates the screenshot area of an entry
/setdelay <name> <delay>
Specifies a delay in seconds to wait after the website has been loaded
/setcaptureelement <name> [html element]
Specifies which HTML element to capture
/setclickelement <name> [html element]
Specifies which HTML element to click before taking the screenshot
/setwaitelement <name> [html element]
Specifies which HTML element to wait for before taking the screenshot
/fetch <name>
Takes a screenshot with the stored settings and sends it into this chat
/fetchurl <URL> [x y width height]
Takes a screenshot of the given website and settings and sends it into this chat
/diff <name>
Shows a picture highlighting the differences of the last website change, including extended information about the normalized cross correlation
/mute <name> <hours>
Prevents change notifications for the given entry and duration
/unmute <name>
Resumes notifications for the given entry
Lists all entries from all chats
Performs a manual check if any monitored website changed
/getpermissions [id]
Returns the permission level of the author of the message, replied to or the user id provided
/setpermissions <level> [id]
Sets the permission level of the author of the message, replied to or the user id provided

Installation (Linux)


For the bot to work, you first need the following things:

  • ImageMagick (for cropping the screenshot using the convert tool and comparing the screenshots using compare)
  • capture-website-cli to take the screenshots
  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/iComputerfreak/NotifierBot
  2. Change into the telegram bot source code directory: cd NotifierBot/NotifierBot
  3. Build the code: swift build -c release
  4. Copy the executable into the main directory: cp .build/release/Notifier ..
  5. Switch to the parent directory: cd ..
  6. Download the telegram.sh script: wget -O tools/telegram.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fabianonline/telegram.sh/master/telegram
  7. Make the telegram script executable: chmod +x tools/telegram.sh
  8. Repeat steps 2 - 5 for the urlwatcher script:
    cd urlwatcher
    swift build -c release
    cp .build/release/urlwatcher .
    cd ..

If you completed all the steps above, your install directory should look like this:

$ tree -L 2
├── Notifier
├── NotifierBot
│   ├── Package.resolved
│   ├── Package.swift
│   ├── Sources
│   └── Tests
├── README.md
├── Shared
│   ├── Package.swift
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── Sources
│   └── Tests
├── tools
│   ├── screenshot.sh
│   └── telegram.sh
└── urlwatcher
    ├── Package.swift
    ├── Sources
    └── urlwatcher

Adding the urlwatch script to crontab

For the urlwatch script to be periodically executed, you have to create a cronjob for it.

  1. Edit the crontab file: crontab -e
  2. Add the following line at the end: */30 * * * * /path/to/your/install/directory/urlwatcher/urlwatcher
    This executes the script every 30 minutes. To execute it e.g. every hour, use 0 * * * * (every time the minute is zero).
  3. Save the file


Create the BOT_TOKEN file

For the scripts and the bot to work, you have to put your bot token in a file called BOT_TOKEN in your installation directory.

  1. cd to your installation directory
  2. Create the file: echo YOUR_BOT_TOKEN > BOT_TOKEN

Give yourself admin permissions

  1. Start the bot
  2. Run the command /myid to retrieve your ID
  3. Stop the bot
  4. Add your ID to the permissions file: echo "YOUR_ID: admin" > /path/to/your/install/directory/NotifierBot/permissions.txt
  5. Start the bot again and make sure, it worked by checking your permissions with the bot: /getpermissions YOUR_ID
  6. If the bot returned your permission level as admin, everything worked and you now have admin permissions

Note: Modifying the permissions file requires a restart of the bot, but using /setpermissions <level> <userid> does not.

(Optional) Create a systemd service for the bot

  1. Create the unit file: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/notifier.service
  2. Paste the following content (replace YOUR_USER_ACCOUNT with your linux user account name): ``` [Unit] Description=Telegram Notifier Bot After=network.target StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=1 User=YOUR_USER_ACCOUNT WorkingDirectory=/path/to/your/install/directory/NotifierBot ExecStart=/path/to/your/install/directory/NotifierBot/Notifier

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

3. Start the service: `sudo service notifier start`
4. Optional: Enable automatic start on boot: `sudo service notifier enable`
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