bit update
Neumorphism is next design theory. This library make easy to made SwiftUI app with Neumorphism.
Open your Xcode project, select File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency.... and type this depository’s URL.
Swift Packages
Add Package Dependency...
let contentView = ContentView() .environment(\.nmBaseColor, Color(hex: "C1D2EB")
struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\.nmBaseColor) var baseColor: Color var body: some View { ZStack { baseColor .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) Circle() .fill(baseColor) .frame(width: 300, height: 200) .modifier(NMConvexModifier()) } } }
There is detail of usage in Demo_iOS.
You can use Neumorphismic TabView.
enum Tab: String, Hashable, CaseIterable { case demo = "Demo" case settings = "Settings" func image() -> Image { switch self { case .demo: return Image(systemName: "house") case .settings: return Image(systemName: "gear") } } func view() -> some View { VStack { if self == .demo { DemosView() } else { SettingsView() } } } }
struct ContentView: View { @State var selection: Tab = .demo var body: some View { NMFloatingTabView( selection: $selection, labelText: { tab in tab.rawValue }, labelImage: { tab in tab.image() } ) { tab in tab.view() } .environment(\.nmBaseColor, Color(hex: "C1D2EB")) } }
If you want to change appearance when button highlighted, you can use it.
struct ContentView: View { @State var isSelected = false var body: some View { NMHighlightableButton(action: { self.isSelected.toggle() }) { isH in Image(systemName: self.isSelected ? "house.fill" : "house") .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .foregroundColor(.blue) .opacity(isH ? 0.6 : 1) .frame(width: isH ? 80 : 100, height: isH ? 80 : 100) } } }
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Neumorphism is next design theory. This library make easy to made SwiftUI app with Neumorphism.
Swift Package Manager
Open your Xcode project, select
->Swift Packages
->Add Package Dependency...
. and type this depository’s URL.How to use
Simple way
There is detail of usage in
You can use Neumorphismic TabView.
If you want to change appearance when button highlighted, you can use it.