

MoreUI is a comprehensive extension to the SwiftUI standard library to enhance app development in SwiftUI; it bridges the gap between UIKit and SwiftUI by bringing the incredible extensiveness of UIKit into SwiftUI while maintaining the simplicity that makes SwiftUI special. It includes a vast number of unimplemented view controllers still not available as SwiftUI Views in the standard library. It alleviates the nuisance of manually interfacing with UIKit, and expands what’s possible with pure SwiftUI. It also features a large collection of original views and capabilities that are highly practical for SwiftUI app development.

MoreUI is presently under development


Documentation is currently a work-in-progress, available via the repository wiki.

UIKit → SwiftUI

UIKit MoreUI Status
UIReferenceLibraryViewController ReferenceLibrary Completed
PHPickerViewController PhotoPicker Completed
UIImagePickerController ImagePicker W.I.P.
UISearchBar SearchBar Completed
UIPageViewController PageView W.I.P.
UIVideoEditorController VideoEditor W.I.P.
UIFontPickerViewController FontPicker Completed
UIDocumentBrowserViewController DocumentBrowser W.I.P.
UIDocumentPickerViewController DocumentPicker Completed
UIDocumentInteractionController DocumentInteractor W.I.P.
UICloudSharingController CloudSharingView W.I.P.
UIActivityViewController ActivityView W.I.P.
UIPrinterPickerController PrinterPicker W.I.P.
UISegmentedControl SegmentedControl W.I.P.
UIFeedbackGenerator Feedback & HapticGenerator Completed
MFMessageComposeViewController MessageComposer W.I.P.
CNContactViewController ContactView W.I.P.
CNContactPickerViewController ContactPicker W.I.P.
EKEventViewController EventView W.I.P.
EKEventEditViewController EventEditor W.I.P.
EKCalendarChooser CalendarPicker Completed
QLPreviewView QuickLook W.I.P.

Original SwiftUI Views

View Description Status
RangeSlider Two-handle slider for selecting an interval of values. W.I.P.
PinchView View wrapper that enables scaling via the pinch gesture. Completed
PIPView View wrapper to present video content in picture-in-picture mode. W.I.P.
SFSymbolPicker Picker for the selection of SFSymbols. Completed
Toast View for presenting Apple-style toast alerts (new in iOS 15). W.I.P.
SpeechRecognizer View wrapper for performing actions according to dictated input. Completed
TimeIntervalPicker A wheel picker for selecting a time interval, as seen in Clock app. W.I.P.
ModalLink A navigation link that presents a view modally. W.I.P.
Stopwatch A stopwatch view as seen in the Clock app native to iOS. W.I.P.

Original SwiftUI Capabilities

Feature Description Status
Animation.wiggle Wiggle animation, resembles shaking icons when editing home screen. W.I.P.
.toast() View modifier for presenting alert toasts. W.I.P.
.pip() View modifier for presenting content in picture-in-picture mode. W.I.P.
\.notificationCenter Environment value for delivering notifications. Completed
Feedback & HapticGenerator Custom property wrapper for triggering haptic feedback. Completed
.documentPicker() Sheet for presenting a document picker. Completed
.referenceLibrary() Sheet for presenting a reference library. Completed
.pinchToZoom() View modifier to allow view scaling via a magnification gesture. Completed
Ringtone Environment value for playing system and user-downloaded ringtones. W.I.P.
SystemSound Environment value for playing system sounds. W.I.P.
.stopwatchStyle() Either .digital or .graphical. W.I.P.
Font.Family Font families for safe text view modifiers (no str in init). W.I.P.
\.bluetooth Environment value for handling Bluetooth IO. W.I.P.


MoreUI features the scheduling of local notifications for delivery by exposing an extended UNUserNotificationCenter through a new environment value, \.notificationCenter. See the basic implementation below.

struct ContentView: View {
    @Environment(\.notificationCenter) var notificationCenter
    var body: some View {
        Button("Send Notification") {
            notificationCenter.post(title: "My Notification",
                                    subtitle: "A brief description",
                                    body: "Some more info.",
                                    trigger: {
                let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 3, repeats: false)
                return trigger


You can customize all properties exposed by UNNotificationContent, including the badge, sound, optional attachments, and much more. In addition, you can customize the trigger, as in, how the system delivers the notification.

All in all, here’s a succinct documentation of the notification delivery method, post():

  • Parameters:
    • title: The localized title, containing the reason for the alert.
    • subtitle: The localized subtitle, containing a secondary description of the reason for the alert.
    • body: The localized message to display in the notification alert.
    • badge: The number to apply to the app’s icon.
    • sound: The sound to play when the system delivers the notification.
    • launchImageName: The name of the custom launch image to display when the system launches your app in response to the notification.
    • userInfo: A dictionary of custom information associated with the notification.
    • attachments: An array of attachments to display in an alert-based notification.
    • summaryArgument: The string the notification adds to the category’s summary format string. This argument has been deprecated starting in iOS 15.0.
    • summaryArgumentCount: The number of items the notification adds to the category’s summary format string. This argument has been deprecated starting in iOS 15.0.
    • categoryIdentifier: The identifier of the category object that represents the notification’s type.
    • threadIdentifier: An identifier that you use to group related notifications together.
    • targetContentIdentifier: A value your app uses to identify the notification content.
    • interruptionLevel: The interruption level determines the degree of interruption associated with the notification.
    • relevanceScore: The value the system uses to sort your app’s notifications.
    • options: The authorization options your app is requesting. You may combine the available constants to request authorization for multiple items. Request only the authorization options that you plan to use. For a list of possible values, see UNAuthorizationOptions. Some notification options are handled automatically based on the specification of other parameters, such as .badge, .sound, .criticalAlert, and .alert. These do not need to be specified manually by the user.
    • trigger: A function returning the condition that causes the system to deliver the notification. Specify nil to deliver the notification right away. See UNNotificationTrigger for documentation on concrete trigger classes.

Word Reference Library

MoreUI brings UIReferenceLibraryViewController into SwiftUI as ReferenceLibrary. It also adds a view modifier .referenceLibrary similar to .sheet and .fullScreenCover for presenting a reference library. Here’s an example:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var term = ""
    @State var isPresented = false
    @State var showingAlert = false
    var body: some View {
        Form {
            TextField("Term", text: $term)
                .onSubmit {
                    guard !term.isEmpty else { return }
                    if dictionaryHasDefinition(forTerm: term) {
                        isPresented = true
                    } else {
                        showingAlert = true
        .referenceLibrary(term: $term,
                          isPresented: $isPresented,
                          onDismiss: didDismiss)
        .alert("No definition found for \"\(term)\"", isPresented: $showingAlert) {
            Button("OK", role: .cancel) { }
    func didDismiss() {
        // Handle the dismissing action.


Range Slider

MoreUI adds a two-handle slider, but for selecting a closed interval of values, rather than just a value in and of itself. The syntax if mostly identical to Slider. It accepts either a ClosedRange as interval or separate lower and upper bounds as lower and upper, respectively. For instance:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var interval: ClosedRange<CGFloat> = 25...75
    var body: some View {
        RangeSlider(interval: $interval,
                    in: 0...100,
                    step: 10) {
            Label("Label", systemImage: "circle.hexagongrid.fill")
        } minimumValueLabel: {
        } maximumValueLabel: {
        } onEditingChanged: { isEditing in
    func didEditingChange(_ isEditing: Bool) {
        // Handle editing change.



MoreUI is licensed under the MIT License.


MoreUI is a project of @ryanrudes.

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