

This is a command-line util to generate Swift and Objective-C models from json files.


  • Generate Swift models from json files.
  • Generate Objective-C models from json files, and specify generic in the array.
  • If you use JSONModel, the generated models will inherit from JSONModel, only for Objective-C models.
  • You can specify prefix and suffix for models.
  • As a command-line, it is convenient to use.

Getting Started


You need Swift Package Manager (as well as swift compiler) installed in your macOS, generally you are prepared if you have the latest Xcode installed.

Compile from source

> git clone https://github.com/shinancao/ModelMaker.git
> cd ModelMaker
> ./install.sh

ModelMaker will be compiled and installed into the /usr/local/bin.


Open your terminal and run:

> modelmaker --json /Users/Shinancao/Desktop/test.json -d /Users/Shinancao/Desktop/modelFiles -t o

Please replace the params with yours.

ModelMaker supports some arguments, you could find it by:

> modelmaker -h
  -h, --help:
      Print this help message.
      Path of json file.
  -d, --dir:
      Directory to the output model files.
  -t, --model-type:
      model type operation - o for Objective-C, s for Swift. Default is Swift.
  -p, --prefix:
      Set prefix for generated models. Default is nothing.
  -s, --suffix:
      Set suffix for generated models. Default is "Model".

How It Works

Actually we can treat json as a tree, every node is a property of the model. If the count of the node’s children is greater than one, this node will be another model. We can use recursion to make json data into a tree, in the process we can confirm every property’s type. Then traverse this tree to get all non-leaf nodes, we can know how many model files we will generate.

For more details: https://shinancao.cn/2018/04/29/Script-ModelMaker/

Other Things

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