don’t require leading slashes on groups
Meridian is a web server written in Swift that lets you write your endpoints in a declarative way.
Here is an example endpoint:
struct SampleEndpoint: Responder { @QueryParameter("sort_direction") var sortDirection: SortDirection = .ascending @URLParameter(\.id) var userID @EnvironmentObject var database: Database func body() throws { JSON(database.fetchFollowers(of: userID, sortDirection: sortDirection)) } } Server(errorRenderer: BasicErrorRenderer()) .register { SampleEndpoint() .on("/api/users/\(\.id))/followers") } .environmentObject(Database()) .listen()
Meridian uses Swift Package Manager for installation.
Add Meridian as a dependency for your package:
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.6"),
The version should be the latest tag on GitHub.
Add Meridian as a dependency for your target as well:
.product(name: "Meridian", package: "Meridian"),
Full documentation can be found in the Documentation folder.
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Meridian is a web server written in Swift that lets you write your endpoints in a declarative way.
Here is an example endpoint:
Meridian uses Swift Package Manager for installation.
Add Meridian as a dependency for your package:
The version should be the latest tag on GitHub.
Add Meridian as a dependency for your target as well:
Full documentation can be found in the Documentation folder.