This client is designed to connect to any Mastodon instance and interact with it.
MastodonClient contains a few convenience methods to create Apps (OAuth Clients) and interact with the API but you should use the URLSession TargetTypes directly for the time being (as those are feature complete), e.g. for getting your Home Timeline:
let request = try MastodonClient.request(
for: URL(string: "")!,
target: Mastodon.Timelines.home(nil, nil),
withBearerToken: token
let (data, _) = try await request)
let result = try JSONDecoder().decode([Status].self, from: data)
Provided login was successful and you’ve retrieved an AccessToken you’re free to use all the other APIs, e.g. to retrieve your home timeline using MastodonClientAuthenticated e.g.:
let client = MastodonClient(baseURL: URL(string: "https://mastodon.tld")!)
.getAuthenticated(token: token)
let result = try await client.getHomeTimeline()
let scopes = ["read", "write", "follow"]; //Define your scopes
let client = MastodonClient(baseURL: URL(string: urlString)!)
//Create a client instance for the server URL you want to reach
do {
//Create an application definition, including your custom URI, and register it with the server:
guard let app = try await client.createApp(named: "Your App Name", redirectUri: "your-url-scheme://", scopes: scopes, website: URL(string: "https://your-url")!) else {
let response = try await client.authenticate(app: app, scope: scopes )
//Trigger the authentication flow
let token = response?.oauthToken as? MastodonSwift.Token
//Capture the auth token
let authedClient = client.getAuthenticated(token: self.token!)
//Create an authenticated client instance
let result = try await authedClient.getHomeTimeline()
//Load some content
Additionally, ensure a handler is set up for your custom URL:
.onOpenURL { url in
MastodonClient.handleOAuthResponse(url: url)
This client is designed to connect to any Mastodon instance and interact with it.
contains a few convenience methods to create Apps (OAuth Clients) and interact with the API but you should use the URLSession TargetTypes directly for the time being (as those are feature complete), e.g. for getting your Home Timeline:Given you’ve got an OAuth Client
Logging in is as easy as this then:
Provided login was successful and you’ve retrieved an
you’re free to use all the other APIs, e.g. to retrieve your home timeline usingMastodonClientAuthenticated
e.g.:Using OAuth Login
To use OAuth Login, configure your application to handle a custom URL scheme. If using Application Sandboxing, be sure to enable Outgoing Connections.
Then use the following progression:
Additionally, ensure a handler is set up for your custom URL:
Xcode 14 / Swift 5
MastodonClient is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.