

MapNavigationKit is a tiny framework expanding the capabilities of routing that MapKit already has, albeit not that prominently, exposing some additional information you can use to flawlessly build a navigation app on top of MapKit.

Although the data are primarily for first-hand use with MapKit, it can be easily used with other Map UI frameworks, too – MapBox, GoogleMaps and other SDKs provide a way to build a custom polyline and route objects, with the benefit of using data fetched by this wrapper over the default (and probably payed) alternative provided by the specific Map SDK.

Getting the framework

Installing via CocoaPods

Simply add a MapNavigationKit pod to your Podfile. Then run pod update to fetch the framework automatically.

Getting the framework from GitHub

You can grab a released compiled framework package or its source code on GitHub. Check out the repository or grab it from the Releases section.

Development Requirements

All development requirements are actually recommendations as it reflects the environment we use to develop and distribute the code.

  • Xcode 11.0+ (recommended)
  • macOS 10.10+ SDK (recommended)
  • iOS 10.0+ SDK (recommended)
  • tvOS 10.0+ SDK (recommended)
  • Objective-C or Swift project

Production Deployment

Deployment requirements determine the minimal environments compatible with the framework when you distribute it with your project.

  • macOS 10.10+ target (macOS framework)
  • iOS 10.0+ target (iOS framework)
  • tvOS 10.0+ target (tvOS framework)


  • get the framework package
  • unpack and add to your project
  • link it as a dynamic framework (embedded binary) in your project settings

Quick Usage Introduction

This quick example shows how to use the framework to fetch a representative route.


  • walking route
  • starting at Big Ben in London
  • finishing at Greenwich Observatory in London


// Big Ben
let srcLocation = CLLocation(latitude: 51.5003646652, longitude: -0.1214328476)

// Greenwich Observatory
let dstLocation = CLLocation(latitude: 51.4733514399, longitude: -0.00088499646)

let query = MNKRouteQuery(type: .walking, source: srcLocation, destination: dstLocation)

MNKRouteFetcher.fetchRoute(query: query) { (route) in
    guard let route = route else { return }
    let steps = route.steps
        .filter { $0.localizedInstructions?.isEmpty == false }
        .map { "- After \(Int($0.nextManeuverDistance))m: \($0.localizedInstructions!)" }
        .joined(separator: "\n")

Example output

- After 329m: Turn left onto Saint Margaret Street
- After 66m: Keep left onto Saint Margaret Street
- After 641m: At the roundabout, take the first exit onto Lambeth Bridge
- After 326m: At the roundabout, take the second exit onto Lambeth Road
- After 957m: Turn left onto A302
- After 133m: Turn right onto Westminster Bridge Road
- After 471m: Continue onto London Road
- After 292m: Turn left onto Elephant and Castle
- After 798m: Keep right onto New Kent Road
- After 602m: Continue onto Old Kent Road
- After 6459m: Turn left onto General Wolfe Road
- After 82m: Turn right onto Chesterfield Walk
- After 83m: Turn left onto Chesterfield Walk
- After 16m: Prepare to park your car
- After 0m: Take a right
- After 50m: Take a right
- After 37m: The destination is on your left

MapNavigationKit is very easily testable using Swift Playgrounds.

Basic Classes

Class Description
MNKRoute Basic Route instance
MNKRouteStep Particular Route step
MNKRouteQuery Query instance used for fetching
MNKRouteFetcher Fetching worker
MNKRouting Routing provider
MNKRoutingInfo Current, displayable routing info


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

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