On every update of the device location from a wrapped CLLocationManager,
it provides the latest location as a published CLLocation object and
via a PassthroughSubject<CLLocation, Never> called locationWillChange.
Starting the LocationProvider
Initialize and start the LocationProvider
import LocationProvider
let locationProvider = LocationProvider()
do {
try locationProvider.start()
catch {
// handle the lack of authorization, e.g. by
// locationProvider.requestAuthorization()
Potential location access authorization errors LocationProviderError.noAuthorization need to be caught.
Requesting Location Access
The standard location access user dialog can be brought up via
Per default, it requests authorizedWhenInUse-type access.
The LocationProvider has a property onAuthorizationStatusDenied that defines an action to be executed in case where location access is currently denied.
The default action is to present an alert (presentLocationSettingsAlert()) that suggests to go to the app settings screen in order to change the location settings.
Handling the Location data
Subscribe to the locationWillChange subject and store the returned Cancellable
cancellableLocation = locationProvider.locationWillChange.sink { loc in
// handleLocation(loc)
The function handleLocation in the sink closure would be executed on every CLLocation object sent by the LocationProvider.
Stopping the LocationProvider
Stop the LocationProvider and cancel the subscription
Also, the LocationProvider is an ObservableObject which has a @Published property location that updates the ObservableObject.
The observable LocationProvider and its location property can directly be accessed in SwiftUI:
import SwiftUI
import LocationProvider
struct ContentView: View {
@StateObject var locationProvider = LocationProvider()
var body: some View {
Text("latitude \(locationProvider.location?.coordinate.latitude ?? 0)")
Text("longitude \(locationProvider.location?.coordinate.longitude ?? 0)")
.onAppear {
do {try locationProvider.start()}
catch {
print("No location access.")
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Set correct properties in Info.plist
In order for the app to have access to user location, the following keys should be set in Info.plist:
Per default, the package requests location access in the background. Therefore, also add Location to UIBackgroundModes in Info.plist or set locationProvider.lm.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = false before starting the location updates via locationProvider.start().
A Combine-based CoreLocation provider.
On every update of the device location from a wrapped
, it provides the latest location as a publishedCLLocation
object and via aPassthroughSubject<CLLocation, Never>
Starting the LocationProvider
Initialize and start the LocationProvider
Potential location access authorization errors
need to be caught.Requesting Location Access
The standard location access user dialog can be brought up via
Per default, it requests
-type access.The
has a propertyonAuthorizationStatusDenied
that defines an action to be executed in case where location access is currently denied. The default action is to present an alert (presentLocationSettingsAlert()
) that suggests to go to the app settings screen in order to change the location settings.Handling the Location data
Subscribe to the
subject and store the returnedCancellable
The function
in thesink
closure would be executed on everyCLLocation
object sent by theLocationProvider
.Stopping the LocationProvider
Stop the
and cancel the subscriptionUsage in SwiftUI
Also, the
is an ObservableObject which has a@Published
that updates the ObservableObject. The observableLocationProvider
and itslocation
property can directly be accessed in SwiftUI:Set correct properties in Info.plist
In order for the app to have access to user location, the following keys should be set in
Per default, the package requests location access in the background. Therefore, also add
or setlocationProvider.lm.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = false
before starting the location updates vialocationProvider.start()
.Example Code
A minimum working iOS App, using LocationProvider in SwiftUI can be found here: https://github.com/himbeles/LocationProviderExample
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