Kodable is an extension of the Codable functionality through property wrappers. The main goal is to remove boilerplate while also adding useful functionality.
No need to write your own init(from decoder: Decoder) or CodingKeys
Provide a custom key for decoding
Access nested values using the . notation
Add a default value in case the value is missing
Overriding the values decoded (i.e. trimming a string)
Validation of the values decoded
Automatically tries to decode String and Bool from other types as a fallback
Transformer protocol to implement your own additional functionality on top of the existing ones
Special error handling and better readability of Swift’s DecodingError
If working in an Xcode project select File->Swift Packages->Add Package Dependency... and search for the package name: Kodable or the git url:
Provided Wrappers
Just make your type conform to Kodable and you’ll have access to all of the features Coding brings.
You can mix and match Codable values with Coding properties.
Declare your model:
struct User: Kodable {
var identifier: String = ""
var social: String?
@Coding("first_name") var firstName: String
@Coding(default: "+1 123456789") var phone: String
@Coding("address.zipCode") var zipCode: Int
// Instead of
struct CodableUser: Codable {
enum Keys: String, CodingKey {
case identifier, social, firstName = "first_name", phone, address
enum NestedKeys: String, CodingKey {
case zipCode
var identifier: String = ""
var social: String?
var firstName: String
var phone: String
var zipCode: Int
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: Keys.self)
identifier = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .identifier)
social = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .social)
firstName = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .firstName)
phone = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .phone) ?? "+1 123456789"
let addressContainer = try container.nestedContainer(keyedBy: NestedKeys.self, forKey: .address)
zipCode = try addressContainer.decode(Int.self, forKey: .zip)
let json = """
identifier: "1",
"social": 987654321,
"first_name": John,
"address": {
"zipCode": 94040,
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: json)
// or using the provided syntactic sugar
let user = try User.decode(from: json)
This wrapper allows decoding dates on per-property strategy basis. By default, CodableDate uses the iso8601 strategy. The built-in strategies are:
iso8601, iso8601WithMillisecondPrecision, rfc2822, rfc3339, and timestamp. There is also the option of using a custom format by providing a valid string format to the option .format().
struct Dates: Kodable {
@CodableDate var iso8601: Date
@CodableDate(.format("y-MM-dd"), .key("simple_date")) var simpleDate: Date
@CodableDate(.rfc2822, .key("rfc2822")) var rfc2822Date: Date
@CodableDate(.rfc3339, .key("rfc3339")) var rfc3339Date: Date
@CodableDate(.timestamp, .key("timestamp")) var timestamp: Date
let json = """
"iso8601": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00",
"simple_date": "2001-01-01",
"rfc2822": "Thu, 19 Dec 1996 16:39:57 GMT",
"rfc3339": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00",
"timestamp": 978307200.0,
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let dates = Dates.decode(from: json)
print(dates.iso8601.description) // Prints "1996-12-20 00:39:57 +0000"
print(dates.simpleDate.description) // Prints "2001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000"
print(dates.rfc2822Date.description) // Prints "1996-12-19 16:39:57 +0000"
print(dates.rfc3339Date.description) // Prints "1996-12-20 00:39:57 +0000"
print(dates.timestamp.description) // Prints "2001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000"
Note that there’s no built-in support for ISO8601 dates with precision greater than millisecond (e.g. microsecond or nanosecond), because Apple doesn’t officially supports such precision natively, yet. Should you feel the necessity to have those, or any other custom date formatter, you can implement your own DateConvertible and use .custom(dateConvertible) DateCodingStrategy. If you think your use case should make its way into the official library, PRs are always welcome!
Advanced Usage
Lossy Type Decoding
For the types Array, Bool, and String, some lossy decoding was introduced. More types can be added later on, but for now these sufficed my personal usage. To disable this behavior for a specific property, in case you want decoding to fail when the type is not correct, just provide the enforceTypeDecoding option to the Coding property wrapper.
The lossy decoding on Array is done by trying to decode each element from a Array.Element type in a non-lossy way (even if they are Bool or String) and ignores values that fail decoding.
Tries to decode a Bool from Int or String if Bool fails
struct Fail: Kodable {
@Coding("string_bool", .enforceTypeDecoding) var notBool: Bool
struct Success: Kodable {
@Coding("string_bool") var stringBool: Bool
@Coding("int_bool") var intBool: Bool
let json = """
"string_bool": "false",
"int_bool": 1,
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let success = try Success.decode(from: json)
print(success.stringBool) // prints false
print(success.intBool) // prints true
let fail = try Fail.decode(from: json) // Throws KodableError.invalidValueForPropertyWithKey("string_bool")
Tries to decode a String from Double or Int if String fails
struct Amounts: Kodable {
@Coding("double") var double: String
@Coding("int") var integer: String
@Coding var string: String
let json = """
"double": 629.9,
"int": 1563,
"string": "999.9"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let amounts = try Amounts.decode(from: json)
print(amounts.double) // prints "629.9"
print(amounts.integer) // prints "1563"
print(amounts.string) // prints "999.9"
Overriding Values
You can provide a KodableModifier.custom modifier with an overriding closure so that you can modify the decoded value before assigning it to the property.
struct Project: Kodable {
@Coding(.modifier(Project.trimmed)) var title: String
static var trimmed: KodableModifier<String> {
KodableModifier { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) }
let json = #"{ "title": " A New Project " }"#.data(using: .utf8)!
let project = try Project.decode(from: json)
print(project.title) // Prints "A New Project"
There are a few built in modifiers provided already:
trimmed : Applies trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) to the value decoded
trimmed : Applies trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) to the value decoded
trimmedNifIfEmpty : Applies trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) to the value decoded, returns nif if empty
When the type conforms to the Comparable protocol:
ascending or descending: Sorts the elements of an array in ascending (or descending) order, using the type’s underlying comparison function.
When the type doesn’t conform to the Comparable protocol, but one of its properties does:
ascending(by: KeyPath) or descending(by: KeyPath): Sorts the elements of an array in ascending (or descending) order, based on the KeyPath property passed.
If there’s no conformance to Comparable at all, you can resort to basic sorting functionality:
sorted(using: Comparator): Sorts the elements of an array using a Comparator closure that determines whether the items are in increasing order. In Swifty words: func < (lhs: Value.Element, rhs: Value.Element) -> Bool
clamping(to:) : Clamps the value in a range.
range() : Constrains the value inside a provided range.
max() : Constrains the value to a maximum value.
min() : Constrains the value to a minimum value.
Validating Values
You can provide a KodableModifier.validation modifier with a validation closure, where you can verify if the value is valid.
struct Image: Kodable {
@Coding(.validation({ $0 > 500 })) var width: Int
let json = #{ "width": 400 }#.data(using: .utf8)!
let image = try Image.decode(from: json)
// Throws KodableError.validationFailed(property: "width", parsedValue: 400)
Custom Wrapper
Kodable was built based on a protocol called KodableTransform
public protocol KodableTransform {
associatedtype From: Codable
associatedtype To
func transformFromJSON(value: From) throws -> To
func transformToJSON(value: To) throws -> From
If you want to add your own custom behavior, you can create a type that conforms to the KodableTransform protocol.:
struct Test: Kodable {
@CodingURL("html_url") var url: URL
Encode Null Values
By default optional values won’t be encoded so:
struct User: Kodable {
@Coding var firstName: String
@Coding var lastName: String?
let user = User()
user.firstName = "João"
When encoded will output:
"firstName": "João"
However, if you want to explicitly encode null values, then you can add the encodeAsNullIfNil option:
struct User: Kodable {
@Coding var firstName: String
@Coding(.encodeAsNullIfNil) var lastName: String?
let user = User()
user.firstName = "João"
Which will then output:
"firstName": "João",
"lastName": null
While developing it might be useful to know what JSON is being received, so that we can be sure that the options chosen lead to correct decoding. There are several ways to do this, however, for simplicity sake, Kodable provides a simple way to print the JSON value received.
Let’s take for example the following JSON and Kodable models:
"identifier": "1",
"social": 987654321,
"first_name": "John",
"address": {
"zipCode": 94040,
"state": "CA"
"aliases": [ "Jay", "Doe" ]
struct Address: Codable {
let zipCode: Int
let state: String
struct User: Kodable {
var identifier: String = ""
var social: String?
@Coding("first_name") var firstName: String
@Coding(default: "+1 123456789") var phone: String
@Coding var address: Address
Kodable provides 2 ways to debug the JSON that will be used to decode the User model. The first is to check the whole JSON value for the model. To achieve that, conform the model to the DebugJSON protocol:
struct User: Kodable, DebugJSON {
Whenever an instance of the User model is decoded you’ll get the following message in the console
However, sometimes the model can be quite extensive and you’re only interested in a specific nested model. In that case, there is a second option which is to mark only the property you want with the option .debugJSON:
struct User: Kodable {
var identifier: String = ""
var social: String?
@Coding("first_name") var firstName: String
@Coding(default: "+1 123456789") var phone: String
@Coding(.debugJSON) var address: Address
In which case, for every instance of the User model that is decoded, you’ll get the following message in the console:
Decoded JSON for the address property of type User:
"zipCode": 94040,
"state": "CA"
If you feel like something is missing or you want to add any new functionality, please open an issue requesting it and/or submit a pull request with passing tests 🙌
is an extension of theCodable
functionality through property wrappers. The main goal is to remove boilerplate while also adding useful functionality.Features:
init(from decoder: Decoder)
from other types as a fallbackDecodingError
Table of contents
Swift Package Manager
If you’re working directly in a Package, add Kodable to your Package.swift file
If working in an Xcode project select
File->Swift Packages->Add Package Dependency...
and search for the package name:Kodable
or the git url:https://github.com/JARMourato/Kodable.git
Provided Wrappers
Just make your type conform to
and you’ll have access to all of the featuresCoding
brings. You can mix and matchCodable
values withCoding
properties.Declare your model:
This wrapper allows decoding dates on per-property strategy basis. By default,
uses theiso8601
strategy. The built-in strategies are:iso8601
, andtimestamp
. There is also the option of using a custom format by providing a valid string format to the option.format()
.Note that there’s no built-in support for ISO8601 dates with precision greater than millisecond (e.g. microsecond or nanosecond), because Apple doesn’t officially supports such precision natively, yet. Should you feel the necessity to have those, or any other custom date formatter, you can implement your own
and use.custom(dateConvertible)
DateCodingStrategy. If you think your use case should make its way into the official library, PRs are always welcome!Advanced Usage
Lossy Type Decoding
For the types
, andString
, some lossy decoding was introduced. More types can be added later on, but for now these sufficed my personal usage. To disable this behavior for a specific property, in case you want decoding to fail when the type is not correct, just provide theenforceTypeDecoding
option to theCoding
property wrapper.Array
The lossy decoding on
is done by trying to decode each element from aArray.Element
type in a non-lossy way (even if they areBool
) and ignores values that fail decoding.Bool
Tries to decode a
Tries to decode a
failsOverriding Values
You can provide a
modifier with an overriding closure so that you can modify the decoded value before assigning it to the property.There are a few built in modifiers provided already:
: AppliestrimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
to the value decodedString?
: AppliestrimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
to the value decodedtrimmedNifIfEmpty
: AppliestrimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
to the value decoded, returns nif if emptySorting When the type conforms to the
: Sorts the elements of an array in ascending (or descending) order, using the type’s underlying comparison function.When the type doesn’t conform to the
protocol, but one of its properties does:ascending(by: KeyPath)
ordescending(by: KeyPath)
: Sorts the elements of an array in ascending (or descending) order, based on the KeyPath property passed.If there’s no conformance to
at all, you can resort to basic sorting functionality:sorted(using: Comparator)
: Sorts the elements of an array using a Comparator closure that determines whether the items are in increasing order. In Swifty words:func < (lhs: Value.Element, rhs: Value.Element) -> Bool
: Clamps the value in a range.range()
: Constrains the value inside a provided range.max()
: Constrains the value to a maximum value.min()
: Constrains the value to a minimum value.Validating Values
You can provide a
modifier with a validation closure, where you can verify if the value is valid.Custom Wrapper
was built based on a protocol calledKodableTransform
If you want to add your own custom behavior, you can create a type that conforms to the
protocol.:Then use the
property wrapper, upon which all other wrappers are based:And voilà
Encode Null Values
By default optional values won’t be encoded so:
When encoded will output:
However, if you want to explicitly encode null values, then you can add the
option:Which will then output:
While developing it might be useful to know what JSON is being received, so that we can be sure that the options chosen lead to correct decoding. There are several ways to do this, however, for simplicity sake, Kodable provides a simple way to print the JSON value received.
Let’s take for example the following JSON and Kodable models:
Kodable provides 2 ways to debug the JSON that will be used to decode the
model. The first is to check the whole JSON value for the model. To achieve that, conform the model to theDebugJSON
protocol:Whenever an instance of the
model is decoded you’ll get the following message in the consoleHowever, sometimes the model can be quite extensive and you’re only interested in a specific nested model. In that case, there is a second option which is to mark only the property you want with the option
:In which case, for every instance of the
model that is decoded, you’ll get the following message in the console:Contributions
If you feel like something is missing or you want to add any new functionality, please open an issue requesting it and/or submit a pull request with passing tests 🙌
Special thanks to
Better Decoding Error Messages - via @nunogoncalves
João (@_JARMourato)