Create getters and setters for all KZ classes that make interfacing with them akin to C–just provide middleman
All the ‘self.pointers’ tuples can probably be compressed to just an [UnsafeMutablePointer], but readibility is key right now
WGPUChainedStructs should be removed eventually
Appears basically everwhere with “nextInChain” and what not
Maybe implement a .intoChainedStruct() for all classes, or allow all classes in the init()?
(1) Consider making any structs/classes that are just ‘public var c: WGPUClass’ into typealiases
Typealiases can have extensions for other functions. Any non-pointer holding classes can be converted easily
Extensions also may allow for getters/setters, so interfacing swift-like would be better
Removes the issue of invoking .c constantly, we can just use ?
Maybe make instance hold all pointers in [UnsafeMutablePointer], deallocate all at once (in Instance, for example–see the first comment)
Less memory efficient, cleaner code
Depending on how things are sized, it might actually be more memory efficient, as double-up’d objects wouldn’t be an issue
Compress class files into more abstract files
(2) Set enums to have primitive WGPUTypes, that way no conversion is necessary (removes all the calls to constructors and .rawValues)
Make functions with callbacks (presumably async) into actual swift async functions
(3) Eventually exclude the header files, because we basically define it ourselves in this file
Would also remove all dependencies from the project, which is nice. WgpuHeaders would be irrelevent
Callbacks can become regular closures probably
The wgpu.h free functions are interesting. We unfortunately have to use strdup() constantly, so I wonder if it cleans those types for structs
Maybe change the definition of manualPointer() so it uses Unmanaged.passUnretained(). That way Swift’s ARC handles memory as normal and we don’t have to figure out deinit constantly
Changed definition. manualPointer has been split to have a copying method and a dangling method
[Not possible due to all C types being derivatives of OpaquePointer]
[Not possible, WGPUTypes cannot be the basis of enums, raw values are required (but inits might be possible)]
[Not possible, C structs are not the same as Swift structs, we can’t redefine those: we need at least one .h for structs]
Implementation of wgpu-native in Swift.
Library binaries are provided for
General Notes
Create getters and setters for all KZ classes that make interfacing with them akin to C–just provide middleman
All the ‘self.pointers’ tuples can probably be compressed to just an [UnsafeMutablePointer], but readibility is key right now WGPUChainedStructs should be removed eventually
Consider making any structs/classes that are just ‘public var c: WGPUClass’ into typealiasesTypealiases can have extensions for other functions. Any non-pointer holding classes can be converted easilyExtensions also may allow for getters/setters, so interfacing swift-like would be betterRemoves the issue of invoking .c constantly, we can just use ?Maybe make instance hold all pointers in [UnsafeMutablePointer], deallocate all at once (in Instance, for example–see the first comment) Less memory efficient, cleaner codeDepending on how things are sized, it might actually be more memory efficient, as double-up’d objects wouldn’t be an issueCompress class files into more abstract files
Set enums to have primitive WGPUTypes, that way no conversion is necessary (removes all the calls to constructors and .rawValues)Make functions with callbacks (presumably async) into actual swift async functions
Eventually exclude the header files, because we basically define it ourselves in this fileWould also remove all dependencies from the project, which is nice. WgpuHeaders would be irreleventCallbacks can become regular closures probablyThe wgpu.h free functions are interesting. We unfortunately have to use strdup() constantly, so I wonder if it cleans those types for structs
Maybe change the definition ofmanualPointer()
so it usesUnmanaged.passUnretained()
. That way Swift’s ARC handles memory as normal and we don’t have to figure out deinit constantly