

A SwiftUI Toolbar for your iOS keyboard.


You can find example files in Tests/ExampleViews.


Supports iOS 14.0+.

Swift Package Manager

Add https://github.com/cameronshemilt/KeyboardToolbar to your Package Dependencies.


The KeyboardToolbar can contain multiple KeyboardToolbarItems you provide. You can additionally style the toolbar (size, color, padding etc.) via a KeyboardToolbarStyle.

import KeyboardToolbar

let toolbarItems: [KeyboardToolbarItem] = [
    .init(systemName: "bold", callback: {}),
    .init(systemName: "italic", callback: {}),
    .init(systemName: "underline", callback: {}),

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var text: String = ""
    var body: some View {
        Form {
            TextField("Input", text: $text)



Parameter Type Optional Description
items [KeyboardToolbarItem] No All of the KeyboardToolbarItems you want the Toolbar to contain.
style KeyboardToolbarStyle Yes The styling of the toolbar.

Use by attaching .keyboardToolbar(...) to the outermost part of your View.


Toolbar items can either be an image/icon or text.

Image Based

Parameter Type Optional Description
image Image No The image/icon of the toolbar icon. Convenience initializers exist for systemName and imageName
color Color Yes Color of the image/icon
isFixed KeyboardToolbarEdge? Yes Whether the item should be sticky or not. Possible values: nil, .leading or .trailing.
callback () -> Void No Action the item should perform when pressed

Text Based

Parameter Type Optional Description
text String No The text of the toolbar item. Alternative to displaying an image.
color Color Yes Color of the image/icon
isFixed KeyboardToolbarEdge? Yes Whether the item should be sticky or not. Possible values: nil, .leading or .trailing.
callback () -> Void No Action the item should perform when pressed


  • .dismissKeyboard: A button fixed to the right side that will dismiss the keyboard when tapped.


Parameter Type Optional Description
backgroundColor Color Yes The background color of the toolbar.
height CGFloat Yes Height of the toolbar.
itemSize CGFloat Yes Size of the toolbar items.
itemSpacing CGFloat Yes Spacing between the toolbar items.
dividerColor Color Yes Color of the divider above the toolbar, as well as the dividers between the fixed and not fixed items.
dividerWidth CGFloat Yes Width of the dividers.


  • .standard
  • .contrast
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