JustTime is a lightweight Swift library that provides types for working with time and duration independently of dates.
Use Cases
Scheduling and planning: JustTime can be used to manage scheduling for events, appointments, or meetings by checking for time overlaps, containment within specific time ranges, or splitting time ranges into smaller slots.
Resource allocation: JustTime can help allocate resources based on time, such as booking systems for rooms, equipment, or services.
Time-based calculations: JustTime makes it easy to perform time-based calculations for tasks like measuring the duration of activities, determining time intervals between events, or calculating overtime hours.
Time formatting: JustTime provides convenient ways to format time values on both 12-hour and 24-hour clocks, making it easy to display and manipulate time values according to user preferences.
The library consists of three main types: Time, TimeRange and Duration.
Time: This struct represents a single point in a 24-hour day
TimeRange: This struct represents a range between two points in time
Duration: This struct represents a length of time unconstrained by a 24 hour clock.
Time representation on a 24-hour clock
Time representation on a 12-hour clock with AM/PM symbols
Initialisation from Date objects
Arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction) with TimeInterval
Duration calculations between two Time instances
Time rounding to the nearest specified minutes
TimeRange support with containment and overlap checks
A TimeRange can be split into smaller ranges by a set number of minutes
Time conforms to Equatable, Comparable, Codable and CustomStringConvertible
TimeRange conforms to Equatable, Codable and CustomStringConvertible
Duration conforms to Equatable, Comparable, Codable and CustomStringConvertible
Swift Package Manager support
🧪 Tests
The library is almost fully tested with 94.2% code coverage
💻 Installation
Swift Package Manager
To add JustTime to your project using Swift Package Manager, add the following dependency in your Package.swift file:
let time = Time(hour: 14, minute: 30, second: 45) // 14:30:45
let midnight = Time() // 00:00:00
Create a Time instance from a Date:
let now = Date()
let currentTime = try Time(fromDate: now)
Round a Time instance to a number of minutes:
let time = Time(hour: 14, minute: 20)
let newTime = time.roundedToNearest(minutes: 30) // 14:30
Add a TimeInterval to a Time instance:
let time = Time(hour: 14, minute: 30)
let newTime = time.adding(3600) // Adds 1 hour, 15:30
Subtract a TimeInterval from a Time instance:
let time = Time(hour: 14, minute: 30)
let newTime = time.subtracting(3600) // Subtracts 1 hour, 13:30
Calculate the duration between a Time instance and a later time:
let startTime = Time(hour: 9, minute: 0)
let endTime = Time(hour: 17, minute: 0)
let duration = startTime.duration(tillLaterTime: endTime) // Duration of 8 hours
If we call the function with a “later time” which has a lower value than the receiver, the declaration that the argument is later than the receiver is considered to be the truth and therefore timeB must represent a time on the previous day, the result is then 16 hours.
let timeA = Time(hour: 9, minute: 0)
let timeB = Time(hour: 17, minute: 0)
let duration = timeB(tillLaterTime: timeA) // Duration of 16 hours
Create a new TimeRange instance:
let workHours = TimeRange(start: Time(hour: 9), end: Time(hour: 17))
Check if a Time instance is contained within a TimeRange:
let time = Time(hour: 12)
let isWithinRange = workHours.contains(time) // true
Check if two TimeRange instances overlap:
let lunchBreak = TimeRange(start: Time(hour: 12), end: Time(hour: 13))
let meeting = TimeRange(start: Time(hour: 11, minute: 30), end: Time(hour: 12, minute: 30))
let hasOverlap = lunchBreak.overlaps(meeting) // true
Split a TimeRange into smaller TimeRanges:
let workHours = TimeRange(start: Time(hour: 9), end: Time(hour: 17))
let hourlySlots = workHour.split(by: 60) // An array of 8 TimeRanges
Create a new Duration:
let duration = Duration(hours: 1, minutes: 1, seconds: 1) // 01:01:01
let zero = Duration() // 00:00:00
let normalised = Duration(hours: 0, minutes: 175, seconds: 300) // 03:00:00
Add a Duration to another:
let a = Duration(hours: 1, minutes: 1, seconds: 1)
let b = Duration(hours: 10, minutes: 10, seconds: 10)
let c = a + b // 11:11:11
Subtract a Duration from another:
let a = Duration(hours: 100, minutes: 30, seconds: 20)
let b = Duration(hours: 10, minutes: 10, seconds: 10)
let c = b - a // 90:20:10
Pull requests are welcome. I welcome developers of all skill levels to help improve the library, fix bugs, or add new features.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your code adheres to the existing code style and conventions, and that all tests pass. Additionally, if you’re adding new functionality, please make sure to include unit tests to verify the behavior.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to open an issue, and I’ll do my best to help you out.
🪪 Licence
JustTime is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
JustTime is a lightweight Swift library that provides types for working with time and duration independently of dates.
Use Cases
The library consists of three main types: Time, TimeRange and Duration.
🧪 Tests
The library is almost fully tested with 94.2% code coverage
💻 Installation
Swift Package Manager
To add JustTime to your project using Swift Package Manager, add the following dependency in your Package.swift file:
Don’t forget to add JustTime to your target dependencies:
🛠️ Usage
Create a new Time instance:
Create a Time instance from a Date:
Round a Time instance to a number of minutes:
Add a TimeInterval to a Time instance:
Subtract a TimeInterval from a Time instance:
Calculate the duration between a Time instance and a later time:
If we call the function with a “later time” which has a lower value than the receiver, the declaration that the argument is later than the receiver is considered to be the truth and therefore
must represent a time on the previous day, the result is then 16 hours.TimeRange
Create a new TimeRange instance:
Check if a Time instance is contained within a TimeRange:
Check if two TimeRange instances overlap:
Split a TimeRange into smaller TimeRanges:
Create a new Duration:
Add a Duration to another:
Subtract a Duration from another:
🐕🦺 Support
Please open an issue for support.
👷♂️ Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. I welcome developers of all skill levels to help improve the library, fix bugs, or add new features.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Before submitting a pull request, please ensure that your code adheres to the existing code style and conventions, and that all tests pass. Additionally, if you’re adding new functionality, please make sure to include unit tests to verify the behavior.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to open an issue, and I’ll do my best to help you out.
🪪 Licence
JustTime is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.