

It is a tiny architecture library for simplify the networking layer. The main goal of the library is provide a simple abstraction for networking layer, keeping easy to use and test.

This library does not provide any custom implementation for make api calls, you must use your own implementation or use a library such as Alamofire.

How to use it?

There are three main protocols for this library.

  1. Router
  2. Request
  3. Requester


This protocol is used for get the full URL and the HTTPMethod for the request. By default use the URL set on the global configuration.

you must set the global URL first:


Implementing Router Protocol:

enum UserRouter: Router {
    case user(id: String)

    var route: Route {
        switch self {
            case .user(let id):
                return Route(path: "user\(id)", method: .get)

if you don’t want use the global url you could change implementing baseURL property

enum UserRouter: Router {
    case user(id: String)

        var route: Route {
            switch self {
            case .user(let id):
            return Route(path: "user/\(id)", method: .get)

var baseURL: URL {
    return URL(string:"https://www.anotherapi.com")

It is recommendable not use just one enum for all the possible paths that could exist, is better use just one per domain, so if you have user and packages route you might create two enums one for user routes and other for packages routes.


This protocol with associated type is used for abstract the configuration of a Request. Has three key parameters

  1. responseQueue

The queue where you want the callback response.

  1. requestParser

Property that holds a function that will parse from data to the associated type.

  1. requestFactory

property the type RequestFactory this is a struct that is initialized with a Router implementation and a function that take an URLRequest and return another one. The point of this function is create compositions that allow to add whatever configuration you want for the URLRequest.

There is a default implementation for this protocol provided by the library :

    public struct RequestType<Response>: Request {

    public let responseQueue: DispatchQueue

    public let requestParser: RequestParser<Response>

    public let requestFactory: RequestFactory

    public init(responseQueue: DispatchQueue = .global(qos: .default),
            requestFactory: RequestFactory,
            requestParser: @escaping RequestParser<Response>) {
            self.responseQueue = responseQueue
            self.requestParser = requestParser
            self.requestFactory = requestFactory

That has its custom extension when the response type is Decodable:

extension RequestType where Response: Decodable {

    init(responseQueue: DispatchQueue = .global(qos: .default),
        requestFactory: RequestFactory,
        decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()) {
        self.init(responseQueue: responseQueue, requestFactory: requestFactory) {
            return try decoder.decode(Response.self, from: $0)

and when the respose is Void:

extension RequestType where Response ==  Void {

    init(responseQueue: DispatchQueue = .global(qos: .default),
        requestFactory: RequestFactory) {
        self.init(responseQueue: responseQueue, requestFactory: requestFactory) {
            return ()

Most of the time you will use this implementation for build your Request, but if you need to cover some edge case you could implement the protocol and apply your custom configuration.

Making composition for build an URLRequest

The library provide a free function compose that takes a varadic parameter of type of RequestBuilder, that is just a typealias for the signature (URLRequest) -> URLRequest, this function take a N number of function that accomplish the signature and reduce until gets a URLRequest. This function return a RequestBuilder.


    let requestBuilder = compose(addURLParams(["years": "2015"]), addHeaders(["Authorization":"Bearer...."]))
    RequestFactory(router: UserRouter.user(id: "12"), requestBuilder: requestBuilder)

Also the library provides a free function for mutate URLRequest using the benefits of WritableKeyPaths:

set(to: \.cachePolicy, .reloadIgnoringCacheData)

This fully compatible with compose, that means you are allowed to do this:

compose(set(to: \.cachePolicy, .reloadIgnoringCacheData), set(to: \.networkServiceType, .background))


This protocol is for abstract the network client, just has a function that accepts an Request and a closure as response for the callback (this closure has a type alias Response<T> and take a Result type as a parameter)

Example using Alamofire:

public func execute<T: Request>(_ request: T, response: @escaping Response<T.Response>)  {

    let urlRequest = request.urlRequest
            .responseData(queue: request.responseQueue) {
                switch $0.result {
                 case .success(let data):
                do {
                    response(.success(try request.parser(data)))
                } catch {
                  case .failure(let error):



Just add the following line into the podfile

pod `JustNetworking`, `~> 2.0`


JustNetworking is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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