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A simple Swift library for JSON-RPC. It features strong type-safety and makes no assumptions about the underlying transport stream.


Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/ChimeHQ/JSONRPC")



This is the core class for using the protocol. It supports sending and receiving generic messages and notifications, as well as responding to protocol-level errors.

// takes a struct with all of the handler functions needed.
public func setHandlers(_ handlers: Handlers)

public func sendDataRequest<T>(_ params: T, method: String, responseHandler: @escaping (DataResult) -> Void) where T: Encodable
public func sendDataRequest<T>(_ params: T, method: String) async throws -> (AnyJSONRPCResponse, Data) where T: Encodable

public func sendRequest<T, U>(_ params: T, method: String, responseHandler: @escaping (ResponseResult<U>) -> Void) where T: Encodable, U: Decodable
public func sendRequest<T, U>(_ params: T, method: String) async throws -> JSONRPCResponse<U> where T: Encodable, U: Decodable

public func sendNotification<T>(_ params: T?, method: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void = {_ in }) where T: Encodable
public func sendNotification<T>(_ params: T?, method: String) async throws where T: Encodable


This is a concrete implementation of the DataTransport protocol, which passes data across stdio.


This gives you a way to frame/delimit messages in the wire protocol. It is optional, in case you don’t need/want to use that functionality. It relies on the MessageProtocol protocol.


A concrete MessageProtocol that uses HTTP headers. It requires at least Content-Length, and by default expects all fields to be separated by \r\n.

Suggestions or Feedback

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