This product has been developd as class type with @objc flags for allow the usage from swift and ObjC.
@objc public static var isSecure: Bool
When you request the value of this variable, the result (true/false) is generated besed on all security checks passed in that moment.
@objc public static var globalControlsResults: [SecurityResult]
This object return an array with the object (defined at models file) that contains the results of all checks evaluated, and it have following structure:
@objc public enum SecurityControlType: Int {
case jailbreak = 0
case simulator = 1
case debugger = 2
case reverse = 3
@objc public class SecurityResult: NSObject {
@objc public var passed: Bool = true
@objc public var reason: String = ""
@objc public var type: SecurityControlType
@objc public init(_ passed: Bool, _ reason: String, _ type: SecurityControlType) {
self.passed = passed
self.reason = reason
self.type = type
Also, you can request the state of any individual check of all available.
Global Jailbreak passchecks
@objc public static var isDeviceJailbroken: Bool
The object array with check results.
@objc public static var jailbreakControlsResults: [SecurityResult]
Sandbox violation passcheck. Check existence of files that are common for jailbroken devices
@objc public static func jailbreakSuspiciousFilesCheck() -> SecurityResult
If we can execute a Cyda urlScheme, the device is jailbroken
@objc public static func jailbreakUrlSchemes() -> SecurityResult
This check looks for the exist of suspicious dylibs.
@objc public static func jailbreakDYLD() -> SecurityResult
This check detects a forked proccess.
public static func jailbreakFork() -> SecurityResult
Debugger state
Global Debugger state passchecks
@objc public static func amIDebugged() -> SecurityResult
Function for deny debug mode
@objc public static func denyDebugger()
Reverse Engineering
Global checks for Reverse Engineering
@objc public static func amIReverseEngineered() -> Bool
The object array with check results.
public static var antiReverseControlsResults: [SecurityResult]
Checks for suspicious libraries.
public static func checkDYLD() -> SecurityResult
Check suspicious files
public static func checkExistenceOfSuspiciousFiles() -> SecurityResult
Check opened ports
public static func checkOpenedPorts() -> SecurityResult
Check if we can open a local connection in a specific port.
public static func canOpenLocalConnection(port: Int) -> SecurityResult
Global check for simulatoir discoverer.
@objc public static func isRunningInSimulator() -> Bool
Usage example
Simply get the isSecure value:
import UIKit
import IntegirtySwift
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
if !IntegrityManager.isSecure {
//do something if device device is not secure.
if !JailbreakDiscoverer.isDeviceJailbroken {
//do something if device jailbroken
if DebuggerDiscoverer.amIDebugged().passed {
//do something if the device is a simulator
return true
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
if (!SecurityManager.isSecure) {
//do something if device is not secure.
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Definition & Interface
This product has been developd as class type with @objc flags for allow the usage from swift and ObjC.
When you request the value of this variable, the result (true/false) is generated besed on all security checks passed in that moment.
This object return an array with the object (defined at models file) that contains the results of all checks evaluated, and it have following structure:
Also, you can request the state of any individual check of all available.
Global Jailbreak passchecks
The object array with check results.
Sandbox violation passcheck. Check existence of files that are common for jailbroken devices
If we can execute a Cyda urlScheme, the device is jailbroken
This check looks for the exist of suspicious dylibs.
This check detects a forked proccess.
Debugger state
Global Debugger state passchecks
Function for deny debug mode
Reverse Engineering
Global checks for Reverse Engineering
The object array with check results.
Checks for suspicious libraries.
Check suspicious files
Check opened ports
Check if we can open a local connection in a specific port.
Global check for simulatoir discoverer.
Usage example
Simply get the isSecure value:
David Martin Saiz – @deividmarshall –
Distributed under the MIT license. See
for more information.
Version History