Building high performance digital ink is difficult. The Apple Pencil provides UITouch input through
a gesture recognizer - so far so simple - however, some data from the Pencil arrives after the initial
touch input. Many attributes of the UITouch are estimates, and are updated with higher accuracy values
later than the initial UITouch is sent. To reduce percieved lag in input, the Pencil also provides
predicted UITouch events.
Bookkeeping these asynchronous updates to previous touches not trivial, and efficiently recomputing
Bezier paths from these updated touch events can cost valuable CPU cycles. For realtime ink,
it’s important to recompute as little as possible, while reacting to Pencil sensor data as quickly
as possible.
The following example event data shows the nuance of Pencil UITouch events:
Click to show example
Gesture Callbacks
Callback #1
Touch A at location (100, 100) with force 0.2
Callback #2
Touch B at location (150, 100) with force 0.3
update to Touch A’s location (100, 105)
predicted touch at (160, 110) with force 0.2
Callback #3
Touch C at location (180, 120) with force 0.4
update to Touch A’s force 0.4
update to Touch B’s location (155, 108) and force is 0.45
predicted touch at (180, 115) with force 0.6
Generated data
Taking into account touch updates and predictions, the output TouchPath would be:
Touch A at (100, 105) with force 0.4
Touch B at (155, 108) with force 0.45
Touch C at (180, 120) with force 0.4
predicted touch at (180, 115) with force 0.6
Ignoring UIGestureRecognizer’s coalescedTouches(for:) and predictedTouches(for:) and
touchesEstimatedPropertiesUpdated() would lead to the less accurate path data:
Touch A at (100, 100) with force 0.2
Touch B at (150, 100) with force 0.3
Touch C at (180, 120) with force 0.4
Note how the predicted touch is missing, and how Touch A and B’s location and force has changed.
These updates to a touch’s location and force can make significant impact on the smoothness
and accuracy of handwriting when using the Pencil.
Naively regenerating the entire UIBeizerPath from UITouches will dramatically reduce the number
of events that the Pencil can send the app. It’s incredibly important to process touch events
as fast as possible to that the Pencil can send even more events that it would otherwise.
Also, filtering and smoothing the input points can reduce the number of elements in the final
UIBezierPath which reduces memory and storage (and is important for network bandwidth for
realtime ink). Naively re-filtering and re-smoothing entire strokes can spend too much CPU
and affect the framerate of the ink.
The Solution
Inkable simplifies how UITouch data is collected, giving a single callback with all UITouch
events, updates, and predictions. This event stream is processed through multiple steps to generate
smooth UIBezierPaths with as little recalculation as possible. Each step of processing caches
its calculations, so that only the portions of the path updated by the new events are recalculated.
With realtime ink, every millisecond counts, and this heavily cached stream processing architecture
allows for minimal recomputation with each new UITouch event.
Example App
An example application is provided that sets up a basic pipeline to process UITouch into UIBezierPath,
including import/export of the raw event data, as well as the ability to replay the event data to see
how the path is built up during the stroke.
Data Flow chart
The flow chart below describes how UITouch events are processed into Bezier paths. The code is extremely modular
allowing for easy customization at any point of the algorithm. The output at any step of the process can be
filtered and modified before sending it to the next step. For an example, see the NaiveSavitzkyGolay and other
Polyline filters.
Since UITouch information can arrive faster than a gesture recognizer can process and callback
with the touch information, the UITouches are sent to the gesture recognizer in batches through
a variety of methods on the UIGestureRecognizer subclass. Inkable simplifies processing these
touch events by providing a single callback to process the entire batch of UITouch data.
Further, the event stream is then processed through Streams into points, polylines, and finally
bezier curves.
This Stream architecture allows computation to be cached at every step of the process, so that an
entire UIBezierPath does not need to be recomputed each time a new UITouch event arrives. Instead,
only the minimal amount of work is computed and the cached path is updated, allowing for extremely
efficient UIBezierPath building.
First, create a TouchEventStream - this holds the gesture that will translate all of the UITouches
into TouchEvents to be processed by the rest of the pipeline. Then,
build the processing pipeline for your events. Each step is optional, depending on what sorts
of paths you want to generate. Below will generate smooth UIBezierPath output.
Last, make sure to add the TouchEventStream gesture recognizer to your UIView. All events from the gesture
recognizer will automatically be processed by the TouchStream without any additional work.
// Create streams to process:
// `UITouch` -> `TouchEvent` -> `TouchPath` -> `Polyline` -> `UIBezierPath`
let touchEventStream = TouchEventStream()
let touchPathStream = TouchPathStream()
let lineStream = PolylineStream()
let bezierStream = BezierStream(smoother: AntigrainSmoother())
// setup each stream to consume the previous step's output
.nextStep({ (output) in
let beziers: [UIBezierPath] = output.paths
// use the bezier paths
let changes: [BezierStream.Delta] = output.deltas
// inspect how the paths changed since the last callback
// Finally, add the gesture to the UIView
The above pipeline will:
process all UITouches/updates/predictions into TouchEvents that can be encoded/decoded to/from JSON
process all TouchEvents into TouchPaths
process those TouchPaths into Polylines
process those Polylines into UIBezierPaths
send those UIBezierPaths to the consumer block at the end of the pipeline
Any new touch event will immediatley be processed by the entire pipeline, with each step
only doing the minimum computation needed and relying on its cache whenever possible.
You can add block consumers to any step to inspect its output. Each Stream can support
an arbitrary number of consumers.
Custom Streams
Inkable streams are setup to follow a producer/consumer architecture. You can create custom
Producer, Consumer, or combination ProducerConsumer streams. Look at the existing
TouchPathStream, PolylineStream, BezierStream as examples. The Filters like
NaiveSavitzkyGolay are setup similar to Streams, and simply produce and consume the same type.
1. Touch Events (class)
UITouches come in a few types:
new data about a new touch
updating estimated data about an existing touch
predicted data about a future touch
UITouch information arrives through UIGestureRecognizers, which provide information about
new touches, coalesced touches (which also provide updated information about previous touches),
and predicted touches.
The TouchEventGestureRecognizer creates TouchEvent objects for every incoming UITouch.
These can be serialized to json, so that raw touch data can be replayed. This serialization
makes reproducing specific ink behavior much easier, as users can export their raw touch data
and it can be loaded and replayed in development or inside of unit tests.
2. Touch Paths (class)
The TouchPathStream processes all of the TouchEvents and separates them into TouchPaths.
Each TouchPath represents one finger or Pencil on the iPad, and all of the events associated
with that finger are collected into a single TouchPath.Point. Also, since many UITouches
may represent the same moment in time (a predicted touch, the actual touch with estimated data,
and updates to the touch with more accurate data), the TouchPath will also coalesce all
matching events into a single TouchPoints.Point object.
TouchPath also tracks if an update is still expected for the touch, either because the phase
is not yet .ended or because an existing .Point is still expecting more accurate data to
arrive as an updated event. If any event is still expected, isComplete will be false
regardless of the phase.
TouchPaths are objects, and hold references to each UITouch for each generated TouchPath.Point.
3. PolyLine (struct)
The PolylineStream creates Polylines to wrap the TouchPath and TouchPath.Point in structs
so that they can be processed by value in filters. This way each Polyline Filters can hold a copy
of its input, and any modified data will be insulated from other filters modifications. This makes
caching inside of the filters much more straight forward than using the reference type TouchPath.
Polylines are essentially just value-types of the TouchPath reference type.
4. Polyline Filters
Filters are an easy way to transform the PolylineStream.Output with any modification. For instance,
a Savitzky-Golay filter will smooth the points together, modifying their location attributes of the
Polyline.Points. A Douglas-Peucker filter will remove points that are colinear with their
neighboring points.
These filters are a way for the dense Polyline output of the original Polyline stream to be simplified
before being smoothed into Bezier paths, resulting in similar looking bezier paths with far fewer
5. Beziers
The BezierStream processes PolylineStream output into UIBezierPaths. This stream takes a Smoother
as input, which affects how the input poly-line is converted into bezier path curve elements. The
simple LineSmoother converts the Polyline directly into a UIBezierPath made entirely of lineTo
elements. The AntigrainSmoother converts the Polyline into smoother curveTo elements.
6. Tapered Strokes (TBD)
This will convert single-width stroked-path beziers into variable-width filled-path beziers using the
force, velocity, or angle to inform the stroke width.
A rough roadmap for features is tracked in
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The Problem
Building high performance digital ink is difficult. The Apple Pencil provides UITouch input through a gesture recognizer - so far so simple - however, some data from the Pencil arrives after the initial touch input. Many attributes of the
are estimates, and are updated with higher accuracy values later than the initialUITouch
is sent. To reduce percieved lag in input, the Pencil also provides predictedUITouch
events.Bookkeeping these asynchronous updates to previous touches not trivial, and efficiently recomputing Bezier paths from these updated touch events can cost valuable CPU cycles. For realtime ink, it’s important to recompute as little as possible, while reacting to Pencil sensor data as quickly as possible.
The following example event data shows the nuance of Pencil
events:Click to show example
Gesture Callbacks
Callback #1
(100, 100)
with force0.2
Callback #2
(150, 100)
with force0.3
(100, 105)
(160, 110)
with force0.2
Callback #3
(180, 120)
with force0.4
(155, 108)
and force is0.45
(180, 115)
with force0.6
Generated data
Taking into account touch updates and predictions, the output TouchPath would be:
(100, 105)
with force0.4
(155, 108)
with force0.45
(180, 120)
with force0.4
(180, 115)
with force0.6
Ignoring UIGestureRecognizer’s
would lead to the less accurate path data:(100, 100)
with force0.2
(150, 100)
with force0.3
(180, 120)
with force0.4
Note how the predicted touch is missing, and how Touch A and B’s location and force has changed. These updates to a touch’s location and force can make significant impact on the smoothness and accuracy of handwriting when using the Pencil.
Naively regenerating the entire
will dramatically reduce the number of events that the Pencil can send the app. It’s incredibly important to process touch events as fast as possible to that the Pencil can send even more events that it would otherwise.Also, filtering and smoothing the input points can reduce the number of elements in the final
which reduces memory and storage (and is important for network bandwidth for realtime ink). Naively re-filtering and re-smoothing entire strokes can spend too much CPU and affect the framerate of the ink.The Solution
simplifies howUITouch
data is collected, giving a single callback with allUITouch
events, updates, and predictions. This event stream is processed through multiple steps to generate smoothUIBezierPaths
with as little recalculation as possible. Each step of processing caches its calculations, so that only the portions of the path updated by the new events are recalculated.With realtime ink, every millisecond counts, and this heavily cached stream processing architecture allows for minimal recomputation with each new
event.Example App
An example application is provided that sets up a basic pipeline to process
, including import/export of the raw event data, as well as the ability to replay the event data to see how the path is built up during the stroke.Data Flow chart
The flow chart below describes how UITouch events are processed into Bezier paths. The code is extremely modular allowing for easy customization at any point of the algorithm. The output at any step of the process can be filtered and modified before sending it to the next step. For an example, see the
and other Polyline filters.View the chart with tooltips here.
information can arrive faster than a gesture recognizer can process and callback with the touch information, theUITouches
are sent to the gesture recognizer in batches through a variety of methods on theUIGestureRecognizer
simplifies processing these touch events by providing a single callback to process the entire batch ofUITouch
data. Further, the event stream is then processed throughStreams
into points, polylines, and finally bezier curves.This
architecture allows computation to be cached at every step of the process, so that an entireUIBezierPath
does not need to be recomputed each time a newUITouch
event arrives. Instead, only the minimal amount of work is computed and the cached path is updated, allowing for extremely efficientUIBezierPath
First, create a
- this holds the gesture that will translate all of theUITouches
to be processed by the rest of the pipeline. Then, build the processing pipeline for your events. Each step is optional, depending on what sorts of paths you want to generate. Below will generate smoothUIBezierPath
output.Last, make sure to add the
gesture recognizer to yourUIView
. All events from the gesture recognizer will automatically be processed by theTouchStream
without any additional work.The above pipeline will:
/updates/predictions intoTouchEvents
that can be encoded/decoded to/from JSONTouchEvents
to the consumer block at the end of the pipelineAny new touch event will immediatley be processed by the entire pipeline, with each step only doing the minimum computation needed and relying on its cache whenever possible.
You can add
consumers to any step to inspect its output. Each Stream can support an arbitrary number of consumers.Custom Streams
streams are setup to follow a producer/consumer architecture. You can create customProducer
, or combinationProducerConsumer
streams. Look at the existingTouchPathStream
as examples. The Filters likeNaiveSavitzkyGolay
are setup similar to Streams, and simply produce and consume the same type.Funnel
1. Touch Events (class)
UITouches come in a few types:
information arrives throughUIGestureRecognizers
, which provide information about new touches,coalesced
touches (which also provide updated information about previous touches), andpredicted
objects for every incomingUITouch
. These can be serialized to json, so that raw touch data can be replayed. This serialization makes reproducing specific ink behavior much easier, as users can export their raw touch data and it can be loaded and replayed in development or inside of unit tests.2. Touch Paths (class)
processes all of theTouchEvents
and separates them intoTouchPath
s. EachTouchPath
represents one finger or Pencil on the iPad, and all of the events associated with that finger are collected into a singleTouchPath.Point
. Also, since many UITouches may represent the same moment in time (a predicted touch, the actual touch with estimated data, and updates to the touch with more accurate data), theTouchPath
will also coalesce all matching events into a singleTouchPoints.Point
also tracks if an update is still expected for the touch, either because the phase is not yet.ended
or because an existing.Point
is still expecting more accurate data to arrive as an updated event. If any event is still expected,isComplete
will befalse
regardless of thephase
are objects, and hold references to eachUITouch
for each generatedTouchPath.Point
.3. PolyLine (struct)
s to wrap theTouchPath
in structs so that they can be processed by value in filters. This way each Polyline Filters can hold a copy of its input, and any modified data will be insulated from other filters modifications. This makes caching inside of the filters much more straight forward than using the reference typeTouchPath
s are essentially just value-types of theTouchPath
reference type.4. Polyline Filters
Filters are an easy way to transform the
with any modification. For instance, a Savitzky-Golay filter will smooth the points together, modifying their location attributes of thePolyline.Point
s. A Douglas-Peucker filter will remove points that are colinear with their neighboring points.These filters are a way for the dense Polyline output of the original Polyline stream to be simplified before being smoothed into Bezier paths, resulting in similar looking bezier paths with far fewer elements.
5. Beziers
The BezierStream processes
output intoUIBezierPaths
. This stream takes aSmoother
as input, which affects how the input poly-line is converted into bezier path curve elements. The simpleLineSmoother
converts thePolyline
directly into aUIBezierPath
made entirely oflineTo
elements. TheAntigrainSmoother
converts thePolyline
into smoothercurveTo
elements.6. Tapered Strokes (TBD)
This will convert single-width stroked-path beziers into variable-width filled-path beziers using the force, velocity, or angle to inform the stroke width.
A rough roadmap for features is tracked in
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