Provides a generic Swift @Inject
property wrapper that can be used to inject objects / services from
a dependency injection framework of your choice.
Basic Usage
First, you need to implement the Resolver
protocol for
the Dependency Injection (DI) framework you are using.
For example, when using Swinject:
extension Container: InjectPropertyWrapper.Resolver {
In case of Swinject the Container
class already contains a method with the same signature (resolve<T>(_ type: T, name: String?)
as the InjectPropertyWrapper Resolver
protocol requires.
Then you need to set the global resolver (for example in your app delegate):
let container = Container()
InjectSettings.resolver = container
Register some objects in the container:
container.register(APIClient.self) { _ in APIClient() }
container.register(MovieRepository.self) { _ in IMDBMovieRepository() }
container.register(MovieRepository.self, name: "netherlands") { _ in IMDBMovieRepository("nl") }
Now you can use the @Inject
property wrapper to inject objects/services in your own classes:
class IMDBMovieRepository: MovieRepository {
@Inject private var apiClient: APIClient
func fetchTop10(completionHandler: @escaping (movies: [Movie]) -> Void) {
class MovieViewModel: BindableObject {
public var didChange = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
public private(set) var top10: [Movie]? {
didSet {
@Inject private var movieRepository: MovieRepository
func load() {
movieRepository.fetchTop10() { [weak self] movies in
self?.top10 = movies
It is also possible to inject different objects of the same type using the name parameter:
class MovieViewModel: BindableObject {
@Inject private var globalMovieRepository: MovieRepository
@Inject(name: "netherlands") private var nlMovieRepository: MovieRepository
Normally if the property wrapper is unable to resolve a dependency it will raise a non-recoverable
fatal error. If for some reason you expect an object sometimes to be unavailable in your container,
you can mark the property as optional:
class MovieViewModel: BindableObject {
@Inject(name: "germany") private var deMovieRepository: MovieRepository?
To run the tests for this package make sure the ENABLE_TESTS
environment variable is set to 1
or true
. For example when using the command line:
ENABLE_TESTS=1 swift test
This allows the package to only load certain dependencies when testing.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.
Provides a generic Swift
property wrapper that can be used to inject objects / services from a dependency injection framework of your choice.Basic Usage
First, you need to implement the
protocol for the Dependency Injection (DI) framework you are using.For example, when using Swinject:
In case of Swinject the
class already contains a method with the same signature (resolve<T>(_ type: T, name: String?)
) as the InjectPropertyWrapperResolver
protocol requires.Then you need to set the global resolver (for example in your app delegate):
Register some objects in the container:
Now you can use the
property wrapper to inject objects/services in your own classes:It is also possible to inject different objects of the same type using the name parameter:
Normally if the property wrapper is unable to resolve a dependency it will raise a non-recoverable fatal error. If for some reason you expect an object sometimes to be unavailable in your container, you can mark the property as optional:
To run the tests for this package make sure the
environment variable is set to1
. For example when using the command line:This allows the package to only load certain dependencies when testing.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.