This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store:
- Most Played Songs.
- Top Free or Paid Books.
- Top Free or Paid Apps.
- Most Played Albums/Music Videos/Playlists (Coming Soon).
- Top Podcasts/Podcast Episodes (Coming Soon).
- Top Audio Books (Coming Soon).
- Pass region code as parameter.
- Pass result limit (10, 25, 50) as parameter.
- Pass
top free
or top paid
enum for books or apps feed
- Swift Async Await Interface
A detailed guide for installation can be found in Installation Guide.
Swift Package Manager
Initialize repository
First of all, you need to initalize the FeedRepository
let repository = FeedRepository()
Fetch most played songs
// Fetch top 50 most played songs in Indonesia
let songs = try await repository.getMostPlayedSongsFeed(region: "id", resultLimit: .limit50)
Fetch top free or top paid apps
// Fetch top 10 free apps in Great Britain
let topPaidApps = try await repository.getTopAppsFeed(region: "gb", type: .topFree, resultLimit: .limit10)
// Fetch top 25 paid apps in Singapore
let topPaidApps = try await repository.getTopAppsFeed(region: "sg", type: .topPaid, resultLimit: .limit25)
Fetch top free or top paid books
// Fetch top 10 free books in Great Britain
let topPaidApps = try await repository.getTopBooksFeed(region: "gb", type: .topFree, resultLimit: .limit10)
// Fetch top 25 paid books in United States
let topPaidApps = try await repository.getTopBooksFeed(region: "us", type: .topPaid, resultLimit: .limit25)
Supported Region Code Strings
You can get the list of all supported region code parameters from this GitHub Gist. Kudos to Marcus Stöhr/daFish
SwiftUI Helper Library
I also created a library that provide SwiftUI Views to display song/book/app and ObservableObjects to fetch the data using phase state mechanism (loading, success, failure). You can check it out at ITunesFeedSwiftUI
This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store:
top free
ortop paid
enum for books or apps feedInstallation
A detailed guide for installation can be found in Installation Guide.
Swift Package Manager
Initialize repository
First of all, you need to initalize the
.Fetch most played songs
Fetch top free or top paid apps
Fetch top free or top paid books
Supported Region Code Strings
You can get the list of all supported region code parameters from this GitHub Gist. Kudos to Marcus Stöhr/daFish
SwiftUI Helper Library
I also created a library that provide SwiftUI Views to display song/book/app and ObservableObjects to fetch the data using phase state mechanism (loading, success, failure). You can check it out at ITunesFeedSwiftUI