Utilitiy methods for use with HotReloading or InjectionIII to make live code updates to fully functional SwiftUI Applictions.
Add this repo to your project and add the following to a source file.
@_exported import HotSwiftUI
This will make the .eraseToAnyView() method on SwiftUI.View
used to erase their type available throughout the app along with the
global injectionObserver variable you can observe to force the
View to update when code has been injected. SwiftUI is very well
suited to injection as, provided you observe the injectionObserver
which has an @Published injection counter, you can rest assured
your views will update as required.
In short, modify the end of your SwiftUI View body properties
to look like this:
var body: some View {
// Your SwiftUI code...
@ObservedObject var iO = injectionObserver
// or use the new property wrapper...
@ObserveInjection var redraw
You need to do this for all view properties you’d like to inject
and have refesh on injection which is a bit tedious but the InjectionIII
or HotReloading app can make these changes automatically using the
“Prepare Project” Menu Item. You can check in these changes as, in a
“Release” build, these functions compile to a null operation.
Utilitiy methods for use with HotReloading or InjectionIII to make live code updates to fully functional SwiftUI Applictions.
Add this repo to your project and add the following to a source file.
This will make the
method onSwiftUI.View
used to erase their type available throughout the app along with the globalinjectionObserver
variable you can observe to force the View to update when code has been injected. SwiftUI is very well suited to injection as, provided you observe the injectionObserver which has an@Published
injection counter, you can rest assured your views will update as required.In short, modify the end of your
View body properties to look like this:You need to do this for all view properties you’d like to inject and have refesh on injection which is a bit tedious but the InjectionIII or HotReloading app can make these changes automatically using the “Prepare Project” Menu Item. You can check in these changes as, in a “Release” build, these functions compile to a null operation.