
HTTP Client

A barebones async-await Swift HTTP client with automatic JSON response parsing.


Add HTTP Client as a dependency through Xcode or directly to Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/joemasilotti/HTTP-Client", branch: "main")


GET request with no expected success or error response object types.

import HTTP

let client = Client<Empty, Empty>()
let request = Request(url: url)
switch await client.request(request) {
case .success: print("Success!")
case .failure(let error): print(error.localizedDescription)

POST request with HTTP body and expected success and failure response objects. Failure response objects are parsed with response codes outside the 200 range.

import HTTP

struct Registration: Codable {
    let email: String
    let password: String

struct User: Codable {
    let id: Int
    let isAdmin: Bool

struct RegistrationError: LocalizedError, Codable, Equatable {
    let status: Int
    let message: String

    var errorDescription: String? { message }

let client = Client<User, RegistrationError>()
let registration = Registration(email: "joe@masilotti.com", password: "password")
let request = BodyRequest(url: url, method: .post, body: registration)
switch await client.request(request) {
case .success(let response):
    print("HTTP headers", response.headers)
    print("User", response.value)
case .failure(let error):
    print("Error", error.localizedDescription)

HTTP headers can also be set on Request.

import HTTP

let client = Client<Empty, Empty>()
let headers = ["Cookie": "tasty_cookie=strawberry"]
let request = Request(url: url, headers: headers)
_ = await client.request(request)

URLRequest can be used directly if you require more fine grained control.

import HTTP

let client = Client<Empty, Empty>()
let request = URLRequest(
    url: url,
    cachePolicy: .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData,
    timeoutInterval: 42.0
_ = await client.request(request)

Key encoding strategies

By default, all encoding and decoding of keys to JSON is done by converting to snake case.

This can be changed via the global configuration.

import HTTP

HTTP.Global.keyDecodingStrategy = .useDefaultKeys
HTTP.Global.keyEncodingStrategy = .useDefaultKeys
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